/*! * @nuxt/cli v2.15.8 (c) 2016-2021 * Released under the MIT License * Repository: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js * Website: https://nuxtjs.org */ 'use strict'; const consola = require('consola'); const index = require('./cli-index.js'); const chalk = require('chalk'); require('@nuxt/utils'); require('@nuxt/config'); require('path'); require('exit'); require('std-env'); require('wrap-ansi'); require('boxen'); require('minimist'); require('hable'); require('defu'); require('semver'); require('fs'); require('execa'); function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; } const consola__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(consola); const chalk__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(chalk); async function listCommands () { const commandsOrder = ['dev', 'build', 'generate', 'start', 'help']; // Load all commands const _commands = await Promise.all( commandsOrder.map(cmd => index.getCommand(cmd)) ); let maxLength = 0; const commandsHelp = []; for (const command of _commands) { commandsHelp.push([command.usage, command.description]); maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, command.usage.length); } const _cmds = commandsHelp.map(([cmd, description]) => { const i = index.indent(maxLength + index.optionSpaces - cmd.length); return index.foldLines( chalk__default['default'].green(cmd) + i + description, index.startSpaces + maxLength + index.optionSpaces * 2, index.startSpaces + index.optionSpaces ) }).join('\n'); const usage = index.foldLines('Usage: nuxt [--help|-h]', index.startSpaces); const cmds = index.foldLines('Commands:', index.startSpaces) + '\n\n' + _cmds; process.stderr.write(index.colorize(`${usage}\n\n${cmds}\n\n`)); } const help = { name: 'help', description: 'Shows help for ', usage: 'help ', options: { help: index.common.help, version: index.common.version }, async run (cmd) { const [name] = cmd._argv; if (!name) { return listCommands() } const command = await index.getCommand(name); if (!command) { consola__default['default'].info(`Unknown command: ${name}`); return } index.NuxtCommand.from(command).showHelp(); } }; exports.default = help;