'use strict'; const {isCommaToken, isArrowToken, isClosingParenToken} = require('eslint-utils'); const getDocumentationUrl = require('./utils/get-documentation-url.js'); const {matches, methodCallSelector} = require('./selectors/index.js'); const {removeParentheses} = require('./fix/index.js'); const {getParentheses, getParenthesizedText} = require('./utils/parentheses.js'); const {isNodeMatches, isNodeMatchesNameOrPath} = require('./utils/is-node-matches.js'); const MESSAGE_ID_REDUCE = 'reduce'; const MESSAGE_ID_FUNCTION = 'function'; const messages = { [MESSAGE_ID_REDUCE]: 'Prefer `Object.fromEntries()` over `Array#reduce()`.', [MESSAGE_ID_FUNCTION]: 'Prefer `Object.fromEntries()` over `{{functionName}}()`.', }; const createEmptyObjectSelector = path => { const prefix = path ? `${path}.` : ''; return matches([ // `{}` `[${prefix}type="ObjectExpression"][${prefix}properties.length=0]`, // `Object.create(null)` [ methodCallSelector({path, object: 'Object', method: 'create', argumentsLength: 1}), `[${prefix}arguments.0.type="Literal"]`, `[${prefix}arguments.0.raw="null"]`, ].join(''), ]); }; const createArrowCallbackSelector = path => { const prefix = path ? `${path}.` : ''; return [ `[${prefix}type="ArrowFunctionExpression"]`, `[${prefix}async!=true]`, `[${prefix}generator!=true]`, `[${prefix}params.length>=1]`, `[${prefix}params.0.type="Identifier"]`, ].join(''); }; const createPropertySelector = path => { const prefix = path ? `${path}.` : ''; return [ `[${prefix}type="Property"]`, `[${prefix}kind="init"]`, `[${prefix}method!=true]`, ].join(''); }; // - `pairs.reduce(…, {})` // - `pairs.reduce(…, Object.create(null))` const arrayReduceWithEmptyObject = [ methodCallSelector({method: 'reduce', argumentsLength: 2}), createEmptyObjectSelector('arguments.1'), ].join(''); const fixableArrayReduceCases = [ { selector: [ arrayReduceWithEmptyObject, // () => Object.assign(object, {key}) createArrowCallbackSelector('arguments.0'), methodCallSelector({path: 'arguments.0.body', object: 'Object', method: 'assign', argumentsLength: 2}), '[arguments.0.body.arguments.0.type="Identifier"]', '[arguments.0.body.arguments.1.type="ObjectExpression"]', '[arguments.0.body.arguments.1.properties.length=1]', createPropertySelector('arguments.0.body.arguments.1.properties.0'), ].join(''), test: callback => callback.params[0].name === callback.body.arguments[0].name, getProperty: callback => callback.body.arguments[1].properties[0], }, { selector: [ arrayReduceWithEmptyObject, // () => ({...object, key}) createArrowCallbackSelector('arguments.0'), '[arguments.0.body.type="ObjectExpression"]', '[arguments.0.body.properties.length=2]', '[arguments.0.body.properties.0.type="SpreadElement"]', '[arguments.0.body.properties.0.argument.type="Identifier"]', createPropertySelector('arguments.0.body.properties.1'), ].join(''), test: callback => callback.params[0].name === callback.body.properties[0].argument.name, getProperty: callback => callback.body.properties[1], }, ]; // `_.flatten(array)` const lodashFromPairsFunctions = [ '_.fromPairs', 'lodash.fromPairs', ]; const anyCall = [ 'CallExpression', '[optional!=true]', '[arguments.length=1]', '[arguments.0.type!="SpreadElement"]', ' > .callee', ].join(''); function fixReduceAssignOrSpread({sourceCode, node, property}) { const removeInitObject = fixer => { const initObject = node.arguments[1]; const parentheses = getParentheses(initObject, sourceCode); const firstToken = parentheses[0] || initObject; const lastToken = parentheses[parentheses.length - 1] || initObject; const startToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(firstToken); const [start] = startToken.range; const [, end] = lastToken.range; return fixer.replaceTextRange([start, end], ''); }; function * removeFirstParameter(fixer) { const parameters = node.arguments[0].params; const [firstParameter] = parameters; const tokenAfter = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(firstParameter); if (isCommaToken(tokenAfter)) { yield fixer.remove(tokenAfter); } let shouldAddParentheses = false; if (parameters.length === 1) { const arrowToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(firstParameter, isArrowToken); const tokenBeforeArrowToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(arrowToken); if (!isClosingParenToken(tokenBeforeArrowToken)) { shouldAddParentheses = true; } } yield fixer.replaceText(firstParameter, shouldAddParentheses ? '()' : ''); } const getKeyValueText = () => { const {key, value} = property; let keyText = getParenthesizedText(key, sourceCode); const valueText = getParenthesizedText(value, sourceCode); if (!property.computed && key.type === 'Identifier') { keyText = `'${keyText}'`; } return {keyText, valueText}; }; function * replaceFunctionBody(fixer) { const functionBody = node.arguments[0].body; const {keyText, valueText} = getKeyValueText(); yield fixer.replaceText(functionBody, `[${keyText}, ${valueText}]`); yield * removeParentheses(functionBody, fixer, sourceCode); } return function * (fixer) { // Wrap `array.reduce()` with `Object.fromEntries()` yield fixer.insertTextBefore(node, 'Object.fromEntries('); yield fixer.insertTextAfter(node, ')'); // Switch `.reduce` to `.map` yield fixer.replaceText(node.callee.property, 'map'); // Remove empty object yield removeInitObject(fixer); // Remove the first parameter yield * removeFirstParameter(fixer); // Replace function body yield * replaceFunctionBody(fixer); }; } /** @param {import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext} context */ function create(context) { const {functions: configFunctions} = { functions: [], ...context.options[0], }; const functions = [...configFunctions, ...lodashFromPairsFunctions]; const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); const listeners = {}; const arrayReduce = new Map(); for (const {selector, test, getProperty} of fixableArrayReduceCases) { listeners[selector] = node => { // If this listener exits without adding a fix, the `arrayReduceWithEmptyObject` listener // should still add it into the `arrayReduce` map. To be safer, add it here too. arrayReduce.set(node, undefined); const [callbackFunction] = node.arguments; if (!test(callbackFunction)) { return; } const [firstParameter] = callbackFunction.params; const variables = context.getDeclaredVariables(callbackFunction); const firstParameterVariable = variables.find(variable => variable.identifiers.length === 1 && variable.identifiers[0] === firstParameter); if (!firstParameterVariable || firstParameterVariable.references.length !== 1) { return; } arrayReduce.set( node, // The fix function fixReduceAssignOrSpread({ sourceCode, node, property: getProperty(callbackFunction), }), ); }; } listeners[arrayReduceWithEmptyObject] = node => { if (!arrayReduce.has(node)) { arrayReduce.set(node, undefined); } }; listeners['Program:exit'] = () => { for (const [node, fix] of arrayReduce.entries()) { context.report({ node: node.callee.property, messageId: MESSAGE_ID_REDUCE, fix, }); } }; listeners[anyCall] = node => { if (!isNodeMatches(node, functions)) { return; } const functionName = functions.find(nameOrPath => isNodeMatchesNameOrPath(node, nameOrPath)).trim(); context.report({ node, messageId: MESSAGE_ID_FUNCTION, data: {functionName}, fix: fixer => fixer.replaceText(node, 'Object.fromEntries'), }); }; return listeners; } const schema = [ { type: 'object', additionalProperties: false, properties: { functions: { type: 'array', uniqueItems: true, }, }, }, ]; /** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */ module.exports = { create, meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'Prefer using `Object.fromEntries(…)` to transform a list of key-value pairs into an object.', url: getDocumentationUrl(__filename), }, fixable: 'code', schema, messages, }, };