const fs = require('graceful-fs'); const join = require('path').join; const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const _mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); const _rimraf = require('rimraf'); const writeJsonFile = require('write-json-file'); const entries = require('./util/Object.entries'); const values = require('./util/Object.values'); const promisify = require('./util/promisify'); const rimraf = promisify(_rimraf); const open = promisify(; const close = promisify(fs.close); const read = promisify(; const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile); const write = promisify(fs.write); const rename = promisify(fs.rename); const unlink = promisify(fs.unlink); const stat = promisify(fs.stat); const mkdirp = promisify(_mkdirp); const APPEND_VERSION = 1; const _blockSize = 4 * 1024; const _logSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; const _minCompactSize = 512 * 1024; const _compactMultiplierThreshold = 1.5; const value = (key, size, start) => ({ key, size: size || 0, start: start || 0, }); const objFrom = map => { if (map instanceof Map) { const obj = {}; map.forEach((value, key) => { obj[key] = value; }); return obj; } return map; }; const table = ({ nextByte, blockSize, logSize, map }) => ({ version: APPEND_VERSION, nextByte: nextByte, blockSize: blockSize, logSize: logSize, map: objFrom(map), }); const modTable = ({ nextByte, blockSize, logSize, map }) => ({ version: APPEND_VERSION, nextByte: nextByte, blockSize: blockSize, logSize: logSize, map: new Map(entries(map)), }); function putKey(_table, key, size) { //[key] = value(key, size, _table.nextByte, Math.ceil(size / _table.blockSize));, value(key, size, _table.nextByte)); _table.nextByte = _table.nextByte + size; return _table; } function delKey(_table, key) { // if ([key]) { // delete[key]; if ( {; } return _table; } const _tablepath = ({ path }) => join(path, 'table.json'); const _defaultTable = ({ blockSize, logSize }) => table({ nextByte: 0, blockSize: blockSize || _blockSize, logSize: logSize || _logSize, map: {}, }); const timeout100 = () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); const _retry = (fn, n) => { n = n || 5; const _retryFn = value => { if (n) { n--; return fn(value).catch(_retryFn); } return fn(value); }; return _retryFn; }; const _readTable = _this => readFile(_tablepath(_this), 'utf8') .catch(e => JSON.stringify(_defaultTable(_this))) .then(JSON.parse) .then(_table => { if (_table.version !== APPEND_VERSION) { return _defaultTable(_this); } return _table; }); const _writeTable = (_this, _table) => writeJsonFile(_tablepath(_this), _table); const _logFilepath = ({ path }, { logSize }, index) => { let logId = ((index / logSize) | 0).toString(); while (logId.length < 4) { logId = `0${logId}`; } return join(path, `log${logId}`); }; const _openLog = (_this, mode, _table, index) => { if (_this._fd !== null) { return Promise.resolve(); } else { // If mode is 'a', stat the log to write to, if it should be empty and // isn't, unlink before opening. return Promise.resolve() .then(() => { if (mode === 'a' && index % _table.logSize === 0) { return stat(_logFilepath(_this, _table, index)) .then(({ size }) => { if (size > 0) { return unlink(_logFilepath(_this, _table, index)).then( timeout100, ); } }) .catch(() => {}); } }) .then(() => open(_logFilepath(_this, _table, index), mode)) .then(fd => { _this._fd = fd; if (mode === 'a') { _this._writeBuffer = new Buffer(_table.logSize); _this._writeOffset = 0; } }) .catch(e => { throw e; }); } }; const _closeLog = _this => { if (_this._fd === null) { return Promise.resolve(); } else { return Promise.resolve() .then(() => { if (_this._writeBuffer) { return write(_this._fd, _this._writeBuffer, 0, _this._writeOffset); } }) .then(() => close(_this._fd)) .then(() => { _this._fd = null; _this._writeBuffer = null; _this._writeOffset = 0; }); } }; const _readBufferSize = (_this, { blockSize, logSize }) => Math.min(32 * blockSize, logSize); const _readLog = (_this, _table) => { let index = 0; const out = new Readable({ read() {}, }); const rbSize = _table.logSize; const _readBuffer = new Buffer(rbSize); function _log() { if (index >= _table.nextByte) { out.push(null); return _closeLog(_this); } const offset = 0; function step() { if (!_this._fd) { index = _table.nextByte; return _log(); } return read(_this._fd, _readBuffer, 0, rbSize, 0).then(read => { index += _table.logSize; out.push(_readBuffer); return _log(); }); } return _closeLog(_this) .then(() => _openLog(_this, 'r', _table, index)) .then(step); } Promise.resolve().then(_log); return out; }; const _appendBlock = (_this, _table, blockContent, index, next) => { let prep; if (_this._fd !== null && index % _table.logSize === 0) { prep = _closeLog(_this).then(() => _openLog(_this, 'a', _table, index)); } else if (_this._fd === null) { prep = _openLog(_this, 'a', _table, index); } function work() { if (!_this._fd) { return next(new Error()); } if (blockContent.length > _table.logSize) { return next(new Error('block longer than max size')); } const writeSlice = _this._writeBuffer.slice( _this._writeOffset, _this._writeOffset + blockContent.length, ); // if (blockContent.length < _table.blockSize) { // writeSlice.fill(0); // } blockContent.copy(writeSlice); _this._writeOffset += blockContent.length; if (_this._writeOffset > _this._writeBuffer.length) { return next( new Error( `writeOffset ${_this._writeOffset} past writeBuffer length ${ _this._writeBuffer.length }`, ), ); } if (_this._writeOffset > _table.logSize) { return next( new Error( `writeOffset ${_this._writeOffset} past logSize ${_table.logSize}`, ), ); } next(); // return fs.write(_this._fd, blockContent, 0, _table.blockSize, next); } if (prep) { prep.then(work); } else { work(); } // return Promise.resolve() // .then(function() { // if (index % (_table.logSize / _table.blockSize) === 0) { // return _closeLog(_this); // } // }) // .then(function() { // return _openLog(_this, 'a', _table, index); // }) // .then(function() { // if (!_this._fd) { // throw new Error(); // } // if (blockContent.length > _table.blockSize) { // throw new Error('block longer than max size'); // } // if (blockContent.length < _table.blockSize) { // var _blockContent = new Buffer(_table.blockSize); // blockContent.copy(_blockContent); // blockContent = _blockContent; // } // return write(_this._fd, blockContent, 0, _table.blockSize); // }); }; const _sizeNeeded = (_this, { map }) => values(map).reduce((carry, { size }) => carry + size, 0); const _sizeUsed = (_this, { nextByte }) => nextByte; const _compactSize = (_this, _table) => Math.max( _this.compactSizeThreshold, _sizeNeeded(_this, _table) * _this.compactMultiplierThreshold, ); const _lock = (_this, mustLock, promiseFn) => { if (mustLock !== false) { return (_this.lock = promiseFn(_this.lock)); } return promiseFn(Promise.resolve()); }; const serialFsTask = (array, each) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let queue = 0; let index = 0; let inNext = false; function next(err) { if (err) { return reject(err); } if (index === array.length) { return resolve(); } queue++; if (inNext) { return; } inNext = true; while (queue > index && index < array.length) { try { each(array[index++], next); } catch (e) { return next(e); } } inNext = false; } next(); }); class AppendSerializer { constructor(options) { this.path = options.cacheDirPath; this.autoParse = options.autoParse; this.blockSize = options.blockSize || _blockSize; this.logSize = options.logSize || _logSize; this.compactSizeThreshold = options.compactSizeThreshold || _minCompactSize; this.compactMultiplierThreshold = options.compactMultiplierThreshold || _compactMultiplierThreshold; this.lock = Promise.resolve(); this._fd = null; } read(mustLock) { const start =; const _this = this; function _read() { let activeTable; return Promise.resolve() .then(_retry(() => _readTable(_this))) .then(_table => { activeTable = _table; }) .then(() => { const map = new Map(); const valueStarts = []; values( => { valueStarts.push({ start: value.start, end: value.start + value.size, value, }); }); valueStarts.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let valueIndex = 0; let destBuffer = new Buffer(2 * 1024 * 1024); let offset = 0; let logOffset = 0; const log = _readLog(_this, activeTable); log.on('data', data => { if (valueIndex >= valueStarts.length) { return; } for (let bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < data.length; ) { if (bufferIndex + logOffset >= valueStarts[valueIndex].end) { valueIndex++; } if (valueIndex >= valueStarts.length) { return; } const value = valueStarts[valueIndex].value; if (bufferIndex + logOffset >= value.start) { if (value.size > destBuffer.length) { const newLength = Math.pow( 2, Math.ceil(Math.log(value.size) / Math.log(2)), ); destBuffer = new Buffer(newLength); } const readAmount = Math.min( value.start + value.size - logOffset - bufferIndex, activeTable.logSize - bufferIndex, ); data .slice(bufferIndex, bufferIndex + readAmount) .copy(destBuffer.slice(offset, offset + readAmount)); bufferIndex += readAmount; offset += readAmount; if (offset >= value.size) { offset = 0; if (_this.autoParse) { // console.log(value.size, destBuffer.utf8Slice(0, value.size)) map.set( value.key, JSON.parse(destBuffer.utf8Slice(0, value.size)), ); } else { map.set(value.key, destBuffer.utf8Slice(0, value.size)); } } } else if (bufferIndex + logOffset < value.start) { bufferIndex += value.start - (bufferIndex + logOffset); } } logOffset += activeTable.logSize; }); log.on('end', resolve); log.on('error', reject); }).then(() => objFrom(map)); }); } return _lock(_this, mustLock, promise => promise .then(() => _read()) .catch(e => _closeLog(_this).then(() => { throw e; }), ), ); } write(ops, mustLock) { if (ops.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve(); } const steps = 0; const _this = this; let activeTable; let contentBuffer; let contentLength; function _write() { return Promise.resolve() .then(_retry(() => mkdirp(_this.path))) .then(_retry(() => _readTable(_this))) .then(_table => { activeTable = modTable(_table); const _ops = ops.slice(); function step(op, next) { // steps++; // var op = _ops.shift(); // if (!op) { // return; // } let content = op.value; if (content !== null) { if (typeof content !== 'string') { content = JSON.stringify(content); } if ( Buffer.byteLength && contentBuffer && Buffer.byteLength(content) <= contentBuffer.length ) { contentLength = contentBuffer.utf8Write(content); } else { contentBuffer = new Buffer(content); contentLength = contentBuffer.length; } const blockCount = Math.ceil( ((activeTable.nextByte % activeTable.logSize) + contentLength) / activeTable.logSize, ); let nextByte = activeTable.nextByte; activeTable = putKey(activeTable, op.key, contentLength); let bufferIndex = 0; const bulk = Array.from(new Array(blockCount)).map((_, i) => i); return serialFsTask(bulk, (_, next) => { const blockSlice = contentBuffer.slice( bufferIndex, Math.min( bufferIndex + (activeTable.logSize - (nextByte % activeTable.logSize)), contentLength, ), ); _appendBlock(_this, activeTable, blockSlice, nextByte, next); bufferIndex += blockSlice.length; nextByte += blockSlice.length; }).then(next); // function append() { // if (bufferIndex < contentBuffer.length) { // var blockSlice = contentBuffer.slice(bufferIndex, bufferIndex + activeTable.blockSize); // bufferIndex += activeTable.blockSize; // return _appendBlock(_this, activeTable, blockSlice, nextByte++) // .then(append); // } // } // return append() // .then(step); } else { activeTable = delKey(activeTable, op.key); next(); } } return serialFsTask(_ops, step); // return step(); }) .then(() => _closeLog(_this)) .then( _retry(() => { activeTable = table(activeTable); return _writeTable(_this, activeTable); }), ); } return _lock(_this, mustLock, promise => promise .then(() => _write()) .catch(e => _closeLog(_this).then(() => { throw e; }), ) .then(() => { if ( _sizeUsed(_this, activeTable) > _compactSize(_this, activeTable) ) { return _this.compact(false); } }), ); } compact(mustLock) { const _this = this; return _this .read(mustLock) .then(map => { const ops = []; Object.keys(map).forEach(key => { ops.push({ key, value: map[key], }); }); return ops; }) .then(ops => rimraf(`${_this.path}~`) .then(timeout100) .then(() => ops), ) .then(ops => { const copy = new AppendSerializer({ cacheDirPath: `${_this.path}~`, blockSize: _this.blockSize, logSize: _this.logSize, compactSizeThreshold: _this.compactSizeThreshold, compactMultiplierThreshold: _this.compactMultiplierThreshold, }); return _lock(_this, mustLock, promise => promise .then(() => copy.write(ops)) .then(() => rimraf(_this.path)) .then(timeout100) .then(_retry(() => rename(copy.path, _this.path), 10)), ); }); } } module.exports = AppendSerializer;