'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const stringWidth = require('string-width'); const table = require('table'); const { yellow, dim, underline, blue, red, green } = require('picocolors'); const terminalLink = require('./terminalLink'); const MARGIN_WIDTHS = 9; /** * @param {string} s * @returns {string} */ function nope(s) { return s; } const levelColors = { info: blue, warning: yellow, error: red, success: nope, }; const symbols = { info: blue('ℹ'), warning: yellow('⚠'), error: red('✖'), success: green('✔'), }; /** * @param {import('stylelint').LintResult[]} results * @returns {string} */ function deprecationsFormatter(results) { const allDeprecationWarnings = results.flatMap((result) => result.deprecations); if (allDeprecationWarnings.length === 0) { return ''; } const seenText = new Set(); return allDeprecationWarnings.reduce((output, warning) => { if (seenText.has(warning.text)) return output; seenText.add(warning.text); output += yellow('Deprecation Warning: '); output += warning.text; if (warning.reference) { output += dim(' See: '); output += dim(underline(warning.reference)); } return `${output}\n`; }, '\n'); } /** * @param {import('stylelint').LintResult[]} results * @return {string} */ function invalidOptionsFormatter(results) { const allInvalidOptionWarnings = results.flatMap((result) => result.invalidOptionWarnings.map((warning) => warning.text), ); const uniqueInvalidOptionWarnings = [...new Set(allInvalidOptionWarnings)]; return uniqueInvalidOptionWarnings.reduce((output, warning) => { output += red('Invalid Option: '); output += warning; return `${output}\n`; }, '\n'); } /** * @param {string} fromValue * @param {string} cwd * @return {string} */ function logFrom(fromValue, cwd) { if (fromValue.startsWith('<')) { return underline(fromValue); } const filePath = path.relative(cwd, fromValue).split(path.sep).join('/'); return terminalLink(filePath, `file://${fromValue}`); } /** * @param {{[k: number]: number}} columnWidths * @return {number} */ function getMessageWidth(columnWidths) { if (!process.stdout.isTTY) { return columnWidths[3]; } const availableWidth = process.stdout.columns < 80 ? 80 : process.stdout.columns; const fullWidth = Object.values(columnWidths).reduce((a, b) => a + b); // If there is no reason to wrap the text, we won't align the last column to the right if (availableWidth > fullWidth + MARGIN_WIDTHS) { return columnWidths[3]; } return availableWidth - (fullWidth - columnWidths[3] + MARGIN_WIDTHS); } /** * @param {import('stylelint').Warning[]} messages * @param {string} source * @param {string} cwd * @return {string} */ function formatter(messages, source, cwd) { if (!messages.length) return ''; const orderedMessages = [...messages].sort((a, b) => { // positionless first if (!a.line && b.line) return -1; // positionless first if (a.line && !b.line) return 1; if (a.line < b.line) return -1; if (a.line > b.line) return 1; if (a.column < b.column) return -1; if (a.column > b.column) return 1; return 0; }); /** * Create a list of column widths, needed to calculate * the size of the message column and if needed wrap it. * @type {{[k: string]: number}} */ const columnWidths = { 0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1 }; /** * @param {[string, string, string, string, string]} columns * @return {[string, string, string, string, string]} */ function calculateWidths(columns) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(columns)) { const normalisedValue = value ? value.toString() : value; columnWidths[key] = Math.max(columnWidths[key], stringWidth(normalisedValue)); } return columns; } let output = '\n'; if (source) { output += `${logFrom(source, cwd)}\n`; } /** * @param {import('stylelint').Warning} message * @return {string} */ function formatMessageText(message) { let result = message.text; result = result // Remove all control characters (newline, tab and etc) .replace(/[\u0001-\u001A]+/g, ' ') // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex .replace(/\.$/, ''); const ruleString = ` (${message.rule})`; if (result.endsWith(ruleString)) { result = result.slice(0, result.lastIndexOf(ruleString)); } return result; } const cleanedMessages = orderedMessages.map((message) => { const { line, column, severity } = message; /** * @type {[string, string, string, string, string]} */ const row = [ line ? line.toString() : '', column ? column.toString() : '', symbols[severity] ? levelColors[severity](symbols[severity]) : severity, formatMessageText(message), dim(message.rule || ''), ]; calculateWidths(row); return row; }); output += table .table(cleanedMessages, { border: table.getBorderCharacters('void'), columns: { 0: { alignment: 'right', width: columnWidths[0], paddingRight: 0 }, 1: { alignment: 'left', width: columnWidths[1] }, 2: { alignment: 'center', width: columnWidths[2] }, 3: { alignment: 'left', width: getMessageWidth(columnWidths), wrapWord: getMessageWidth(columnWidths) > 1, }, 4: { alignment: 'left', width: columnWidths[4], paddingRight: 0 }, }, drawHorizontalLine: () => false, }) .split('\n') .map( /** * @param {string} el * @returns {string} */ (el) => el.replace(/(\d+)\s+(\d+)/, (_m, p1, p2) => dim(`${p1}:${p2}`)), ) .join('\n'); return output; } /** * @type {import('stylelint').Formatter} */ module.exports = function (results, returnValue) { let output = invalidOptionsFormatter(results); output += deprecationsFormatter(results); output = results.reduce((accum, result) => { // Treat parseErrors as warnings if (result.parseErrors) { for (const error of result.parseErrors) result.warnings.push({ line: error.line, column: error.column, rule: error.stylelintType, severity: 'error', text: `${error.text} (${error.stylelintType})`, }); } accum += formatter( result.warnings, result.source || '', (returnValue && returnValue.cwd) || process.cwd(), ); return accum; }, output); // Ensure consistent padding output = output.trim(); if (output !== '') { output = `\n${output}\n\n`; } return output; };