const postcss = require('postcss') const postcssrc = require('postcss-load-config') const ctx = { parser: true, map: 'inline' } const { plugins } = postcssrc.sync(ctx) const logger = require('../logger') const getVueJestConfig = require('../get-vue-jest-config') const ensureRequire = require('../ensure-require') let prevCheckIsAsync = null function hasAsyncPlugin () { if (prevCheckIsAsync !== null) { return prevCheckIsAsync } const result = postcss(plugins) .process('', { from: undefined }) if (result.processing) { prevCheckIsAsync = true return prevCheckIsAsync } for (const plugin of result.processor.plugins) { const promise = if (typeof promise === 'object' && typeof promise.then === 'function') { prevCheckIsAsync = true break } } if (prevCheckIsAsync === null) { prevCheckIsAsync = false } return prevCheckIsAsync } function catchError (error, filePath, jestConfig) { if (!getVueJestConfig(jestConfig).hideStyleWarn) { logger.warn(`There was an error rendering the POSTCSS in ${filePath}. `) logger.warn(`Error while compiling styles: ${error}`) } } module.exports = (content, filePath, jestConfig) => { ensureRequire('postcss', ['postcss']) let css = null const res = postcss(plugins) .process(content, { from: undefined }) if (hasAsyncPlugin()) { res .then(result => { css = result.css || '' }) .catch((e) => { css = '' catchError(e, filePath, jestConfig) }) while (css === null) { //eslint-disable-line require('deasync').sleep(100) } return css } try { return res.css } catch (e) { catchError(e, filePath, jestConfig) return '' } }