# @nuxt/components
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> Module to scan and auto import components for Nuxt 2.13+
- [🎲 Play on CodeSandbox](https://githubbox.com/nuxt/components/tree/master/example)
- [🎬 Demonstration video (49s)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ8OBrgVVr8)
- [📖 Release Notes](./CHANGELOG.md)
## Table of Contents
- [Features](#features)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Lazy Imports](#lazy-imports)
- [Overwriting Components](#overwriting-components)
- [Directories](#directories)
- [Directory Properties](#directory-properties)
- [Library authors](#library-authors)
- [License](#license)
## Features
- Automatically scan `components/` directory
- No need to manually import components anymore
- Multiple paths with customizable prefixes and lookup/ignore patterns
- Lazy loading (Async components)
- Production code-splitting optimization (loader)
- Hot reloading
- Module integration ([library authors](#library-authors))
- Fully tested
## Usage
Set the `components` option in `nuxt.config`:
export default {
components: true
**Note:** If using nuxt `2.10...2.13`, you have to also manually install and add `@nuxt/components` to `buildModules` inside `nuxt.config`.
**Create your components:**
| components/
---| ComponentFoo.vue
---| ComponentBar.vue
**Use them whenever you want, they will be auto imported in `.vue` files :**
No need anymore to manually import them in the `script` section!
See [live demo](https://codesandbox.io/s/nuxt-components-cou9k) or [video example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ8OBrgVVr8).
### Lazy Imports
Nuxt by default does code-splitting per page and components. But sometimes we also need to lazy load them:
- Component size is rather big (or has big dependencies imported) like a text-editor
- Component is rendered conditionally with `v-if` or being in a modal
In order to [lazy load](https://webpack.js.org/guides/lazy-loading/) a component, all we need to do is to add `Lazy` prefix to component name.
You now can easily import a component on-demand:
If you want to prefetch or preload the components with `Lazy` prefix, you can configure it by [prefetch/preload options](#prefetch/preload).
### Nested Components
If you have components in nested directories:
| components/
---| my/
------| form/
---------| TextArea.vue
The component name will contain its path:
For clarity, it is recommended that component file name matches its name. You can also use `MyFormTextArea.vue` as name with same directory structure.
If for any reason different prefix is desired, we can add specific directory with the `prefix` option: (See [directories](#directories) section)
components: ['~/components/', { path: '~/components/foo/', prefix: 'foo' }]
## Overwriting Components
It is possible to have a way to overwrite components using the [level](#level) option. This is very useful for modules and theme authors.
Considering this structure:
| node_modules/
---| my-theme/
------| components/
---------| Header.vue
| components/
---| Header.vue
Then defining in the `nuxt.config`:
components: [
'~/components', // default level is 0
{ path: 'node_modules/my-theme/components', level: 1 }
Our `components/Header.vue` will overwrite our theme component since the lowest level overwrites.
## Directories
By setting `components: true`, default `~/components` directory will be included.
However you can customize module behaviour by providing directories to scan:
export default {
components: [
'~/components', // shortcut to { path: '~/components' }
{ path: '~/components/awesome/', prefix: 'awesome' }
Each item can be either string or object. String is shortcut to `{ path }`.
**Note:** Don't worry about ordering or overlapping directories! Components module will take care of it. Each file will be only matched once with longest path.
### Directory Properties
#### path
- Required
- Type: `String`
Path (absolute or relative) to the directory containing your components.
You can use Nuxt aliases (`~` or `@`) to refer to directories inside project or directly use a npm package path similar to require.
#### extensions
- Type: `Array`
- Default:
- Extensions supported by Nuxt builder (`builder.supportedExtensions`)
- Default supported extensions `['vue', 'js']` or `['vue', 'js', 'ts', 'tsx']` depending on your environment
**Example:** Support multi-file component structure
If you prefer to split your SFCs into `.js`, `.vue` and `.css`, you can only enable `.vue` files to be scanned:
| components
---| componentC
------| componentC.vue
------| componentC.js
------| componentC.scss
// nuxt.config.js
export default {
components: [{ path: '~/components', extensions: ['vue'] }]
#### pattern
- Type: `string` ([glob pattern](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob#glob-primer))
- Default: `**/*.${extensions.join(',')}`
Accept Pattern that will be run against specified `path`.
#### ignore
- Type: `Array`
- Items: `string` ([glob pattern](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob#glob-primer))
- Default: `[]`
Ignore patterns that will be run against specified `path`.
#### prefix
- Type: `String`
- Default: `''` (no prefix)
Prefix all matched components.
Example below adds `awesome-`/`Awesome` prefix to the name of components in `awesome/` directory.
// nuxt.config.js
export default {
components: [
{ path: '~/components/awesome/', prefix: 'awesome' }
Click on me 🤘
#### pathPrefix
- Type: `Boolean`
- Default: `true`
Prefix component name by it's path
#### watch
- Type: `Boolean`
- Default: `true`
Watch specified `path` for changes, including file additions and file deletions.
#### transpile
- Type: `Boolean`
- Default: `'auto'`
Transpile specified `path` using [`build.transpile`](https://nuxtjs.org/api/configuration-build#transpile), by default (`'auto'`) it will set `transpile: true` if `node_modules/` is in `path`.
#### level
- Type: `Number`
- Default: `0`
Level are use to define a hint when overwriting the components which have the same name in two different directories, this is useful for theming.
export default {
components: [
'~/components', // default level is 0
{ path: 'my-theme/components', level: 1 }
Components having the same name in `~/components` will overwrite the one in `my-theme/components`, learn more in [Overwriting Components](#overwriting-components). The lowest value will overwrite.
#### prefetch/preload
- Type: `Boolean/Number`
- Default: `false`
These properties are used in production to configure how [components with `Lazy` prefix](#Lazy-Imports) are handled by Wepack via its magic comments, learn more in [Wepack's official documentation](https://webpack.js.org/api/module-methods/#magic-comments).
export default {
components: [{ path: 'my-theme/components', prefetch: true }]
// plugin.js
const componets = {
MyComponentA: import(/* webpackPrefetch: true */ ...),
MyComponentB: import(/* webpackPrefetch: true */ ...)
#### isAsync
- Type: Boolean
- Default: `false` unless component name ends with `.async.vue`
This flag indicates, component should be loaded async (with a seperate chunk) regardless of using `Lazy` prefix or not.
## Migration guide
## `v1` to `v2`
Starting with `nuxt@2.15`, Nuxt uses `@nuxt/components` v2:
- All components are globally available so you can move `components/global/`
to `components/` and `global: true` is not required anymore
- Full path inside `components` is used to prefix component names. If you were structing your
components in multiple directories, should either add prefix or register in `components` section of `nuxt.config` or use new `pathPrefix` option.
├── atoms
│ └── icons
├── molecules
│ └── illustrations
├── organisms
│ └── ads
└── templates
├── blog
└── home
// nuxt.config.js
export default {
components: [
## Library Authors
Making Vue Component libraries with automatic tree-shaking and component registration is now damn easy ✨
This module expose a hook named `components:dirs` so you can easily extend the directory list without updating user configuration in your Nuxt module.
Imagine a directory structure like this:
| node_modules/
---| awesome-ui/
------| components/
---------| Alert.vue
---------| Button.vue
------| nuxt.js
| pages/
---| index.vue
| nuxt.config.js
Then in `awesome-ui/nuxt.js` you can use the `components:dir` hook:
import { join } from 'path'
export default function() {
this.nuxt.hook('components:dirs', dirs => {
// Add ./components dir to the list
path: join(__dirname, 'components'),
prefix: 'awesome'
That's it! Now in your project, you can import your ui library as a Nuxt module in your `nuxt.config.js`:
export default {
buildModules: ['@nuxt/components', 'awesome-ui/nuxt']
And directly use the module components (prefixed with `awesome-`), our `pages/index.vue`:
My UI button!
Here's an alert!
It will automatically import the components only if used and also support HMR when updating your components in `node_modules/awesome-ui/components/`.
Next: publish your `awesome-ui` module to [npm](https://www.npmjs.com) and share it with the other Nuxters ✨
## License
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