'use strict'; const debug = require('debug')('stylelint:standalone'); const fastGlob = require('fast-glob'); const fs = require('fs'); const globby = require('globby'); const normalizePath = require('normalize-path'); const path = require('path'); const createStylelint = require('./createStylelint'); const createStylelintResult = require('./createStylelintResult'); const FileCache = require('./utils/FileCache'); const filterFilePaths = require('./utils/filterFilePaths'); const formatters = require('./formatters'); const getFileIgnorer = require('./utils/getFileIgnorer'); const getFormatterOptionsText = require('./utils/getFormatterOptionsText'); const hash = require('./utils/hash'); const NoFilesFoundError = require('./utils/noFilesFoundError'); const AllFilesIgnoredError = require('./utils/allFilesIgnoredError'); const pkg = require('../package.json'); const prepareReturnValue = require('./prepareReturnValue'); const ALWAYS_IGNORED_GLOBS = ['**/node_modules/**']; const writeFileAtomic = require('write-file-atomic'); /** @typedef {import('stylelint').LinterOptions} LinterOptions */ /** @typedef {import('stylelint').LinterResult} LinterResult */ /** @typedef {import('stylelint').LintResult} StylelintResult */ /** @typedef {import('stylelint').Formatter} Formatter */ /** @typedef {import('stylelint').FormatterType} FormatterType */ /** * * @param {LinterOptions} options * @returns {Promise} */ async function standalone({ allowEmptyInput = false, cache: useCache = false, cacheLocation, code, codeFilename, config, configBasedir, configFile, customSyntax, cwd = process.cwd(), disableDefaultIgnores, files, fix, formatter, globbyOptions, ignoreDisables, ignorePath, ignorePattern, maxWarnings, quiet, reportDescriptionlessDisables, reportInvalidScopeDisables, reportNeedlessDisables, syntax, }) { /** @type {FileCache} */ let fileCache; const startTime = Date.now(); const isValidCode = typeof code === 'string'; if ((!files && !isValidCode) || (files && (code || isValidCode))) { return Promise.reject( new Error('You must pass stylelint a `files` glob or a `code` string, though not both'), ); } // The ignorer will be used to filter file paths after the glob is checked, // before any files are actually read /** @type {import('ignore').Ignore} */ let ignorer; try { ignorer = getFileIgnorer({ cwd, ignorePath, ignorePattern }); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } /** @type {Formatter} */ let formatterFunction; try { formatterFunction = getFormatterFunction(formatter); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } const stylelint = createStylelint({ config, configFile, configBasedir, cwd, ignoreDisables, ignorePath, reportNeedlessDisables, reportInvalidScopeDisables, reportDescriptionlessDisables, syntax, customSyntax, fix, quiet, }); if (!files) { const absoluteCodeFilename = codeFilename !== undefined && !path.isAbsolute(codeFilename) ? path.join(cwd, codeFilename) : codeFilename; // if file is ignored, return nothing if ( absoluteCodeFilename && !filterFilePaths(ignorer, [path.relative(cwd, absoluteCodeFilename)]).length ) { return prepareReturnValue([], maxWarnings, formatterFunction, cwd); } let stylelintResult; try { const postcssResult = await stylelint._lintSource({ code, codeFilename: absoluteCodeFilename, }); stylelintResult = await stylelint._createStylelintResult(postcssResult, absoluteCodeFilename); } catch (error) { stylelintResult = await handleError(stylelint, error); } const postcssResult = stylelintResult._postcssResult; const returnValue = prepareReturnValue([stylelintResult], maxWarnings, formatterFunction, cwd); if ( fix && postcssResult && !postcssResult.stylelint.ignored && !postcssResult.stylelint.ruleDisableFix ) { returnValue.output = !postcssResult.stylelint.disableWritingFix && postcssResult.opts ? // If we're fixing, the output should be the fixed code postcssResult.root.toString(postcssResult.opts.syntax) : // If the writing of the fix is disabled, the input code is returned as-is code; } return returnValue; } let fileList = [files].flat().map((entry) => { const globCWD = (globbyOptions && globbyOptions.cwd) || cwd; const absolutePath = !path.isAbsolute(entry) ? path.join(globCWD, entry) : path.normalize(entry); if (fs.existsSync(absolutePath)) { // This path points to a file. Return an escaped path to avoid globbing return fastGlob.escapePath(normalizePath(entry)); } return entry; }); if (!disableDefaultIgnores) { fileList = fileList.concat(ALWAYS_IGNORED_GLOBS.map((glob) => `!${glob}`)); } if (useCache) { const stylelintVersion = pkg.version; const hashOfConfig = hash(`${stylelintVersion}_${JSON.stringify(config || {})}`); fileCache = new FileCache(cacheLocation, cwd, hashOfConfig); } else { // No need to calculate hash here, we just want to delete cache file. fileCache = new FileCache(cacheLocation, cwd); // Remove cache file if cache option is disabled fileCache.destroy(); } const effectiveGlobbyOptions = { cwd, ...(globbyOptions || {}), absolute: true, }; const globCWD = effectiveGlobbyOptions.cwd; let filePaths = await globby(fileList, effectiveGlobbyOptions); // Record the length of filePaths before ignore operation // Prevent prompting "No files matching the pattern 'xx' were found." when .stylelintignore ignore all input files const filePathsLengthBeforeIgnore = filePaths.length; // The ignorer filter needs to check paths relative to cwd filePaths = filterFilePaths( ignorer, filePaths.map((p) => path.relative(globCWD, p)), ); let stylelintResults; if (filePaths.length) { let absoluteFilePaths = filePaths.map((filePath) => { const absoluteFilepath = !path.isAbsolute(filePath) ? path.join(globCWD, filePath) : path.normalize(filePath); return absoluteFilepath; }); if (useCache) { absoluteFilePaths = absoluteFilePaths.filter(fileCache.hasFileChanged.bind(fileCache)); } const getStylelintResults = absoluteFilePaths.map(async (absoluteFilepath) => { debug(`Processing ${absoluteFilepath}`); try { const postcssResult = await stylelint._lintSource({ filePath: absoluteFilepath, }); if (postcssResult.stylelint.stylelintError && useCache) { debug(`${absoluteFilepath} contains linting errors and will not be cached.`); fileCache.removeEntry(absoluteFilepath); } /** * If we're fixing, save the file with changed code */ if ( postcssResult.root && postcssResult.opts && !postcssResult.stylelint.ignored && fix && !postcssResult.stylelint.disableWritingFix ) { const fixedCss = postcssResult.root.toString(postcssResult.opts.syntax); if ( postcssResult.root && postcssResult.root.source && postcssResult.root.source.input.css !== fixedCss ) { await writeFileAtomic(absoluteFilepath, fixedCss); } } return stylelint._createStylelintResult(postcssResult, absoluteFilepath); } catch (error) { // On any error, we should not cache the lint result fileCache.removeEntry(absoluteFilepath); return handleError(stylelint, error, absoluteFilepath); } }); stylelintResults = await Promise.all(getStylelintResults); } else if (allowEmptyInput) { stylelintResults = await Promise.all([]); } else if (filePathsLengthBeforeIgnore) { // All input files ignored stylelintResults = await Promise.reject(new AllFilesIgnoredError()); } else { stylelintResults = await Promise.reject(new NoFilesFoundError(fileList)); } if (useCache) { fileCache.reconcile(); } const result = prepareReturnValue(stylelintResults, maxWarnings, formatterFunction, cwd); debug(`Linting complete in ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`); return result; } /** * @param {FormatterType | Formatter | undefined} selected * @returns {Formatter} */ function getFormatterFunction(selected) { /** @type {Formatter} */ let formatterFunction; if (typeof selected === 'string') { formatterFunction = formatters[selected]; if (formatterFunction === undefined) { throw new Error( `You must use a valid formatter option: ${getFormatterOptionsText()} or a function`, ); } } else if (typeof selected === 'function') { formatterFunction = selected; } else { formatterFunction = formatters.json; } return formatterFunction; } /** * @param {import('stylelint').InternalApi} stylelint * @param {any} error * @param {string} [filePath] * @return {Promise} */ function handleError(stylelint, error, filePath = undefined) { if (error.name === 'CssSyntaxError') { return createStylelintResult(stylelint, undefined, filePath, error); } throw error; } module.exports = /** @type {typeof import('stylelint').lint} */ (standalone);