'use strict'; const isNumbery = require('./isNumbery'); const isStandardSyntaxValue = require('./isStandardSyntaxValue'); const isValidFontSize = require('./isValidFontSize'); const isVariable = require('./isVariable'); const keywordSets = require('../reference/keywordSets'); const postcssValueParser = require('postcss-value-parser'); const nodeTypesToCheck = new Set(['word', 'string', 'space', 'div']); /** @typedef {import('postcss-value-parser').Node} Node */ /** * * @param {Node} firstNode * @param {Node} secondNode * @param {string | null} charactersBetween * * @returns {Node} */ function joinValueNodes(firstNode, secondNode, charactersBetween) { firstNode.value = firstNode.value + charactersBetween + secondNode.value; return firstNode; } /** * Get the font-families within a `font` shorthand property value. * * @param {string} value * @returns {Node[]} Collection font-family nodes */ module.exports = function findFontFamily(value) { /** @type {Node[]} */ const fontFamilies = []; const valueNodes = postcssValueParser(value); // Handle `inherit`, `initial` and etc if ( valueNodes.nodes.length === 1 && keywordSets.basicKeywords.has(valueNodes.nodes[0].value.toLowerCase()) ) { return [valueNodes.nodes[0]]; } let needMergeNodesByValue = false; /** @type {string | null} */ let mergeCharacters = null; valueNodes.walk((valueNode, index, nodes) => { if (valueNode.type === 'function') { return false; } if (!nodeTypesToCheck.has(valueNode.type)) { return; } const valueLowerCase = valueNode.value.toLowerCase(); // Ignore non standard syntax if (!isStandardSyntaxValue(valueLowerCase)) { return; } // Ignore variables if (isVariable(valueLowerCase)) { return; } // Ignore keywords for other font parts if ( keywordSets.fontShorthandKeywords.has(valueLowerCase) && !keywordSets.fontFamilyKeywords.has(valueLowerCase) ) { return; } // Ignore font-sizes if (isValidFontSize(valueNode.value)) { return; } // Ignore anything come after a /, because it's a line-height if ( nodes[index - 1] && nodes[index - 1].value === '/' && nodes[index - 2] && isValidFontSize(nodes[index - 2].value) ) { return; } // Ignore number values if (isNumbery(valueLowerCase)) { return; } // Detect when a space or comma is dividing a list of font-families, and save the joining character. if ( (valueNode.type === 'space' || (valueNode.type === 'div' && valueNode.value !== ',')) && fontFamilies.length !== 0 ) { needMergeNodesByValue = true; mergeCharacters = valueNode.value; return; } if (valueNode.type === 'space' || valueNode.type === 'div') { return; } const fontFamily = valueNode; if (needMergeNodesByValue) { joinValueNodes(fontFamilies[fontFamilies.length - 1], valueNode, mergeCharacters); needMergeNodesByValue = false; mergeCharacters = null; } else { fontFamilies.push(fontFamily); } }); return fontFamilies; };