const utils = require('eslint-plugin-vue/lib/utils') module.exports = Object.assign( { getProperty (node, name, condition) { return p => p.type === 'Property' && name === utils.getStaticPropertyName(p) && condition(p) ) }, getProperties (node, names) { return p => p.type === 'Property' && (!names.size || names.has(utils.getStaticPropertyName(p))) ) }, getFunctionWithName (rootNode, name) { return this.getProperty( rootNode, name, item => item.value.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression' || item.value.type === 'FunctionExpression' ) }, isInFunction (func, child) { if (func.value.type === 'FunctionExpression') { if ( child && child.loc.start.line >= func.value.loc.start.line && child.loc.end.line <= func.value.loc.end.line ) { return true } } }, * getFunctionWithChild (rootNode, funcNames, childNodes) { const funcNodes = this.getProperties(rootNode, funcNames) for (const func of funcNodes) { for (const { name, node: child } of childNodes) { const funcName = utils.getStaticPropertyName(func) if (!funcName) continue if (this.isInFunction(func, child)) { yield { name, node: child, func, funcName } } } } }, isOpenParen (token) { return token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === '(' }, isCloseParen (token) { return token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === ')' }, getFirstAndLastTokens (node, sourceCode) { let first = sourceCode.getFirstToken(node) let last = sourceCode.getLastToken(node) // If the value enclosed by parentheses, update the 'first' and 'last' by the parentheses. while (true) { const prev = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(first) const next = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(last) if (this.isOpenParen(prev) && this.isCloseParen(next)) { first = prev last = next } else { return { first, last } } } } }, utils )