const cachePrefix = require('.').cachePrefix; const LoggerFactory = require('../loggerFactory'); exports.moduleFreezeError = (compilation, module, e) => { const loggerSerial = LoggerFactory.getLogger(compilation).from('serial'); const compilerName =; const compilerContext = compilation.compiler.options.context; const identifierPrefix = cachePrefix(compilation); const moduleIdentifier = module.identifier(); const shortener = new (require('webpack/lib/RequestShortener'))( compilerContext, ); const moduleReadable = module.readableIdentifier(shortener); loggerSerial.error( { id: 'serialization--error-freezing-module', identifierPrefix, compilerName, moduleIdentifier, moduleReadable, error: e, errorMessage: e.message, errorStack: e.stack, }, `Unable to freeze module "${moduleReadable}${ compilerName ? `" in compilation "${compilerName}` : '' }". An error occured serializing it into a string: ${e.message}`, ); }; exports.cacheNoParity = (compiler, { parityRoot }) => { const loggerSerial = new LoggerFactory(compiler).create().from('serial'); loggerSerial.error( { id: 'serialzation--cache-incomplete', parityRoot, }, [ `Previous cache did not complete parity check. ${parityRoot.reason}`, 'Resetting cache.', ].join('\n'), ); }; exports.serialBadCache = (compiler, error) => { const loggerSerial = new LoggerFactory(compiler).create().from('serial'); loggerSerial.error( { id: 'serialzation--bad-cache', }, ['Cache is corrupted.', error.stack || error.message || error].join('\n'), ); }; const logCore = compiler => new LoggerFactory(compiler).create().from('core'); exports.configHashSetButNotUsed = (compiler, { cacheDirectory }) => { const loggerCore = logCore(compiler); loggerCore.error( { id: 'confighash--directory-no-confighash', cacheDirectory: cacheDirectory, }, 'HardSourceWebpackPlugin cannot use [confighash] in cacheDirectory ' + 'without configHash option being set and returning a non-falsy value.', ); }; exports.configHashFirstBuild = (compiler, { cacheDirPath, configHash }) => { const loggerCore = logCore(compiler); loggerCore.log( { id: 'confighash--new', cacheDirPath, configHash, }, `HardSourceWebpackPlugin is writing to a new confighash path for the first time: ${cacheDirPath}`, ); }; exports.configHashBuildWith = (compiler, { cacheDirPath, configHash }) => { const loggerCore = logCore(compiler); loggerCore.log( { id: 'confighash--reused', cacheDirPath, configHash, }, `HardSourceWebpackPlugin is reading from and writing to a confighash path: ${cacheDirPath}`, ); }; exports.deleteOldCaches = (compiler, { newTotalSize, oldTotalSize }) => { const loggerCore = logCore(compiler); const sizeMB = Math.ceil(newTotalSize / 1024 / 1024); const deletedSizeMB = Math.ceil(oldTotalSize / 1024 / 1024); loggerCore.log( { id: 'caches--delete-old', size: newTotalSize, sizeMB, deletedSize: oldTotalSize, deletedSizeMB, }, `HardSourceWebpackPlugin is using ${sizeMB} MB of disk space after deleting ${deletedSizeMB} MB.`, ); }; exports.keepCaches = (compiler, { totalSize }) => { const loggerCore = logCore(compiler); const sizeMB = Math.ceil(totalSize / 1024 / 1024); loggerCore.log( { id: 'caches--keep', size: totalSize, sizeMB, }, `HardSourceWebpackPlugin is using ${sizeMB} MB of disk space.`, ); }; exports.environmentInputs = (compiler, { inputs }) => { const loggerCore = logCore(compiler); loggerCore.log( { id: 'environment--inputs', inputs, }, `Tracking environment changes with ${inputs.join(', ')}.`, ); }; exports.configHashChanged = compiler => { const loggerCore = logCore(compiler); loggerCore.warn( { id: 'environment--config-changed', }, 'Environment has changed (configuration was changed).\n' + 'HardSourceWebpackPlugin will reset the cache and store a fresh one.', ); }; exports.environmentHashChanged = compiler => { const loggerCore = logCore(compiler); loggerCore.warn( { id: 'environment--changed', }, 'Environment has changed (node_modules was updated).\n' + 'HardSourceWebpackPlugin will reset the cache and store a fresh one.', ); }; exports.hardSourceVersionChanged = compiler => { const loggerCore = logCore(compiler); loggerCore.warn( { id: 'environment--hardsource-changed', }, 'Installed HardSource version does not match the saved ' + 'cache.\nHardSourceWebpackPlugin will reset the cache and store ' + 'a fresh one.', ); }; exports.childCompilerWithoutCache = compilation => { var loggerUtil = LoggerFactory.getLogger(compilation).from('util'); loggerUtil.error( { id: 'childcompiler--no-cache', compilerName:, }, [ `A child compiler (${}) does not`, "have a memory cache. Enable a memory cache with webpack's", '`cache` configuration option. HardSourceWebpackPlugin will be', 'disabled for this child compiler until then.', ].join('\n'), ); }; exports.childCompilerUnnamedCache = compilation => { var loggerUtil = LoggerFactory.getLogger(compilation).from('util'); loggerUtil.error( { id: 'childcompiler--unnamed-cache', compilerName:, }, [ `A child compiler (${}) has a`, 'memory cache but its cache name is unknown.', 'HardSourceWebpackPlugin will be disabled for this child', 'compiler.', ].join('\n'), ); }; const logParallel = compiler => new LoggerFactory(compiler).create().from('parallel'); exports.parallelStartWorkers = (compiler, options) => { const loggerParallel = logParallel(compiler); loggerParallel.log( { id: 'parallel--start-workers', numWorkers: options.numWorkers, }, [`Start ${options.numWorkers} module workers.`].join('\n'), ); }; exports.parallelConfigMismatch = (compiler, options) => { const loggerParallel = logParallel(compiler); loggerParallel.error( { id: 'parallel--config-mismatch', ourHash: options.ourHash, theirHash: options.theirHash, }, [ `Child process's configuration does not match parent `, `configuration. Unable to parallelize webpack.`, ].join('\n'), ); }; exports.parallelErrorSendingJob = (compiler, error) => { const loggerParallel = logParallel(compiler); loggerParallel.error( { id: 'parallel--error-sending-job', error, }, `Failed to send parallel module work. ${error.stack}`, ); }; exports.parallelRequireWebpack4 = compiler => { const loggerParallel = logParallel(compiler); loggerParallel.error( { id: 'parallel--webpack-4', }, `Parallel Module Plugin requires webpack 4.`, ); };