'use strict'; const atRuleParamIndex = require('../utils/atRuleParamIndex'); const report = require('../utils/report'); const styleSearch = require('style-search'); /** * @param {{ * root: import('postcss').Root, * result: import('stylelint').PostcssResult, * locationChecker: (args: { source: string, index: number, err: (message: string) => void }) => void, * checkedRuleName: string, * fix?: ((atRule: import('postcss').AtRule, index: number) => boolean) | null | undefined, * allowTrailingComments?: boolean, * }} opts */ module.exports = function mediaQueryListCommaWhitespaceChecker(opts) { opts.root.walkAtRules(/^media$/i, (atRule) => { const params = atRule.raws.params ? atRule.raws.params.raw : atRule.params; styleSearch({ source: params, target: ',' }, (match) => { let index = match.startIndex; if (opts.allowTrailingComments) { // if there is a comment on the same line at after the comma, check the space after the comment. let execResult; while ((execResult = /^[^\S\r\n]*\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\//.exec(params.slice(index + 1)))) { index += execResult[0].length; } if ((execResult = /^([^\S\r\n]*\/\/[\s\S]*?)\r?\n/.exec(params.slice(index + 1)))) { index += execResult[1].length; } } checkComma(params, index, atRule); }); }); /** * @param {string} source * @param {number} index * @param {import('postcss').AtRule} node */ function checkComma(source, index, node) { opts.locationChecker({ source, index, err: (message) => { const commaIndex = index + atRuleParamIndex(node); if (opts.fix && opts.fix(node, commaIndex)) { return; } report({ message, node, index: commaIndex, result: opts.result, ruleName: opts.checkedRuleName, }); }, }); } };