const crypto = require('crypto'); const path = require('path'); const lodash = require('lodash'); const bulkFsTask = require('./util/bulk-fs-task'); const pluginCompat = require('./util/plugin-compat'); const promisify = require('./util/promisify'); const values = require('./util/Object.values'); const { parityCacheFromCache, pushParityWriteOps } = require('./util/parity'); class Md5Cache { apply(compiler) { let md5Cache = {}; let parityCache = {}; const fileMd5s = {}; const cachedMd5s = {}; let fileTimestamps = {}; const contextMd5s = {}; let contextTimestamps = {}; let md5CacheSerializer; let latestStats = {}; let latestMd5s = {}; let unbuildMd5s = {}; let fileDependencies = []; let contextDependencies = []; let stat; let readdir; let readFile; let mtime; let md5; let fileStamp; let contextStamp; let contextStamps; function bindFS() { stat = promisify(compiler.inputFileSystem.stat, { context: compiler.inputFileSystem, }); // stat = promisify(fs.stat, {context: fs}); readdir = promisify(compiler.inputFileSystem.readdir, { context: compiler.inputFileSystem, }); readFile = promisify(compiler.inputFileSystem.readFile, { context: compiler.inputFileSystem, }); mtime = file => stat(file) .then(stat => +stat.mtime) .catch(() => 0); md5 = file => readFile(file) .then(contents => crypto .createHash('md5') .update(contents, 'utf8') .digest('hex'), ) .catch(() => ''); fileStamp = (file, stats) => { if (compiler.__hardSource_fileTimestamps[file]) { return compiler.__hardSource_fileTimestamps[file]; } else { if (!stats[file]) { stats[file] = stat(file); } return stats[file].then(stat => { const mtime = +stat.mtime; compiler.__hardSource_fileTimestamps[file] = mtime; return mtime; }); } }; contextStamp = (dir, stats) => { const context = {}; let selfTime = 0; function walk(dir) { return readdir(dir) .then(items => Promise.all( => { const file = path.join(dir, item); if (!stats[file]) { stats[file] = stat(file); } return stats[file].then( stat => { if (stat.isDirectory()) { return walk(path.join(dir, item)).then(items2 => => path.join(item, item2)), ); } if (+stat.mtime > selfTime) { selfTime = +stat.mtime; } return item; }, () => { return; }, ); }), ), ) .catch(() => []) .then(items => items .reduce((carry, item) => carry.concat(item), []) .filter(Boolean), ); } return walk(dir).then(items => { items.sort(); const selfHash = crypto.createHash('md5'); items.forEach(item => { selfHash.update(item); }); context.mtime = selfTime; context.hash = selfHash.digest('hex'); return context; }); }; contextStamps = (contextDependencies, stats) => { stats = stats || {}; const contexts = {}; contextDependencies.forEach(context => { contexts[context] = { files: [], mtime: 0, hash: '' }; }); const compilerContextTs = compiler.contextTimestamps; contextDependencies.forEach(contextPath => { const _context = contextStamp(contextPath, stats); if (!_context.then) { contexts[contextPath] = _context; } else { contexts[contextPath] = _context.then(context => { contexts[contextPath] = context; return context; }); } }); return contexts; }; } if (compiler.inputFileSystem) { bindFS(); } else { pluginCompat.tap( compiler, 'afterEnvironment', 'HardSource - Md5Cache', bindFS, ); } pluginCompat.tap( compiler, '_hardSourceCreateSerializer', 'HardSource - Md5Cache', (cacheSerializerFactory, cacheDirPath) => { md5CacheSerializer = cacheSerializerFactory.create({ name: 'md5', type: 'data', autoParse: true, cacheDirPath, }); }, ); pluginCompat.tap( compiler, '_hardSourceResetCache', 'HardSource - Md5Cache', () => { md5Cache = {}; parityCache = {}; fileTimestamps = {}; contextTimestamps = {}; }, ); pluginCompat.tapPromise( compiler, '_hardSourceReadCache', 'HardSource - Md5Cache', ({ contextKeys, contextNormalPath }) => md5CacheSerializer .read() .then(_md5Cache => { Object.keys(_md5Cache).forEach(key => { if (key.startsWith('__hardSource_parityToken')) { parityCache[key] = _md5Cache[key]; delete _md5Cache[key]; } }); return _md5Cache; }) .then(contextKeys(compiler, contextNormalPath)) .then(_md5Cache => { Object.keys(_md5Cache).forEach(key => { if (typeof _md5Cache[key] === 'string') { _md5Cache[key] = JSON.parse(_md5Cache[key]); } if (_md5Cache[key] && _md5Cache[key].hash) { cachedMd5s[key] = _md5Cache[key].hash; } }); md5Cache = _md5Cache; }) .then(() => { const dependencies = Object.keys(md5Cache); fileDependencies = dependencies.filter( file => md5Cache[file].isFile, ); contextDependencies = dependencies.filter( file => md5Cache[file].isDirectory, ); }), ); pluginCompat.tap( compiler, '_hardSourceParityCache', 'HardSource - Md5Cache', parityRoot => { parityCacheFromCache('Md5', parityRoot, parityCache); }, ); pluginCompat.tapPromise( compiler, '_hardSourceVerifyCache', 'HardSource - Md5Cache', () => { latestStats = {}; latestMd5s = {}; unbuildMd5s = {}; const stats = {}; // var md5s = latestMd5s; // Prepare objects to mark md5s to delete if they are not used. for (const key in cachedMd5s) { unbuildMd5s[key] = null; } return Promise.all([ (() => { const compilerFileTs = (compiler.__hardSource_fileTimestamps = {}); const fileTs = (fileTimestamps = {}); return bulkFsTask(fileDependencies, (file, task) => { if (compiler.__hardSource_fileTimestamps[file]) { return compiler.__hardSource_fileTimestamps[file]; } else { compiler.inputFileSystem.stat( file, task((err, value) => { if (err) { return 0; } const mtime = +value.mtime; compiler.__hardSource_fileTimestamps[file] = mtime; return mtime; }), ); } }).then(mtimes => { const bulk =, mtimes); return bulkFsTask(bulk, (item, task) => { const file = item[0]; const mtime = item[1]; fileTs[file] = mtime || 0; if (!compiler.__hardSource_fileTimestamps[file]) { compiler.__hardSource_fileTimestamps[file] = mtime; } compiler.inputFileSystem.readFile( file, task(function(err, body) { if (err) { fileMd5s[file] = ''; return; } const hash = crypto .createHash('md5') .update(body, 'utf8') .digest('hex'); fileMd5s[file] = hash; }), ); }); }); })(), (() => { compiler.contextTimestamps = compiler.contextTimestamps || {}; const contextTs = (contextTimestamps = {}); const contexts = contextStamps(contextDependencies, stats); return Promise.all(values(contexts)).then(function() { for (var contextPath in contexts) { var context = contexts[contextPath]; if (!compiler.contextTimestamps[contextPath]) { compiler.contextTimestamps[contextPath] = context.mtime; } contextTimestamps[contextPath] = context.mtime; fileMd5s[contextPath] = context.hash; } }); })(), ]); }, ); pluginCompat.tap( compiler, 'compilation', 'HardSource - Md5Cache', compilation => { compilation.__hardSourceFileMd5s = fileMd5s; compilation.__hardSourceCachedMd5s = cachedMd5s; compilation.__hardSourceFileTimestamps = fileTimestamps; }, ); pluginCompat.tapPromise( compiler, '_hardSourceWriteCache', 'HardSource - Md5Cache', (compilation, { relateNormalPath, contextNormalPath }) => { const moduleOps = []; const dataOps = []; const md5Ops = []; const assetOps = []; const moduleResolveOps = []; const missingOps = []; const resolverOps = []; let buildingMd5s = {}; function buildMd5Ops(dependencies) { dependencies.forEach(file => { function updateMd5CacheItem(value) { if ( !md5Cache[file] || (md5Cache[file] && md5Cache[file].hash !== value.hash) ) { md5Cache[file] = value; cachedMd5s[file] = value.hash; md5Ops.push({ key: relateNormalPath(compiler, file), value: value, }); } else if ( !value.mtime && md5Cache[file] && md5Cache[file].mtime !== value.mtime ) { md5Cache[file] = value; cachedMd5s[file] = value.hash; } } const building = buildingMd5s[file]; if (!building.then) { updateMd5CacheItem(building); } else { buildingMd5s[file] = building.then(updateMd5CacheItem); } }); } const fileDependencies = Array.from(compilation.fileDependencies).map( file => contextNormalPath(compiler, file), ); const MD5_TIME_PRECISION_BUFFER = 2000; fileDependencies.forEach(file => { if (buildingMd5s[file]) { return; } delete unbuildMd5s[file]; if (fileMd5s[file]) { buildingMd5s[file] = { // Subtract a small buffer from now for file systems that record // lower precision mtimes. mtime: - MD5_TIME_PRECISION_BUFFER, hash: fileMd5s[file], isFile: true, isDirectory: false, }; } else { buildingMd5s[file] = md5(file).then(hash => ({ mtime: - MD5_TIME_PRECISION_BUFFER, hash, isFile: true, isDirectory: false, })); } }); buildMd5Ops(fileDependencies); const contextDependencies = Array.from( compilation.contextDependencies, ).map(file => contextNormalPath(compiler, file)); const contexts = contextStamps(contextDependencies); contextDependencies.forEach(file => { if (buildingMd5s[file]) { return; } delete unbuildMd5s[file]; let context = contexts[file]; if (!context.then) { // Subtract a small buffer from now for file systems that record lower // precision mtimes. context.mtime = - MD5_TIME_PRECISION_BUFFER; context.isFile = false; context.isDirectory = true; } else { context = context.then(context => { context.mtime = - MD5_TIME_PRECISION_BUFFER; context.isFile = false; context.isDirectory = true; return context; }); } buildingMd5s[file] = context; }); buildMd5Ops(contextDependencies); const writeMd5Ops = Promise.all( Object.keys(buildingMd5s).map(key => buildingMd5s[key]), ).then(() => { if (!compilation.compiler.parentCompilation) { for (const key in unbuildMd5s) { md5Ops.push({ key: relateNormalPath(compiler, key), value: unbuildMd5s[key], }); } } pushParityWriteOps(compilation, md5Ops); }); return writeMd5Ops.then(() => md5CacheSerializer.write(md5Ops)); }, ); } } module.exports = Md5Cache;