123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- import t from "@babel/types";
- import virtualTypes from "../../lib/path/lib/virtual-types.js";
- export default function generateValidators() {
- let output = `/*
- * This file is auto-generated! Do not modify it directly.
- * To re-generate run 'make build'
- */
- import * as t from "@babel/types";
- import NodePath from "../index";
- import type { VirtualTypeAliases } from "./virtual-types";
- export interface NodePathValidators {
- `;
- for (const type of [...t.TYPES].sort()) {
- output += `is${type}(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.${type}>;`;
- }
- for (const type of Object.keys(virtualTypes)) {
- const { types } = virtualTypes[type];
- if (type[0] === "_") continue;
- if (t.NODE_FIELDS[type] || t.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS[type]) {
- output += `is${type}(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.${type}>;`;
- } else if (types /* in VirtualTypeAliases */) {
- output += `is${type}(opts?: object): this is NodePath<VirtualTypeAliases["${type}"]>;`;
- } else {
- // if it don't have types, then VirtualTypeAliases[type] is t.Node
- // which TS marked as always true
- // eg. if (path.isBlockScope()) return;
- // path resolved to `never` here
- // so we have to return boolean instead of this is NodePath<t.Node> here
- output += `is${type}(opts?: object): boolean;`;
- }
- }
- output += `
- }
- `;
- return output;
- }