2 yıl önce | |
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bin | 2 yıl önce | |
lib | 2 yıl önce | |
index.d.ts | 2 yıl önce | |
index.js | 2 yıl önce | |
license | 2 yıl önce | |
package.json | 2 yıl önce | |
readme.md | 2 yıl önce |
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🚸 Cross platform children list of a PID.
Coded with ❤️ by <a href="#authors">Simone Primarosa</a>.
This package is really similar to ps-tree but is faster, safer and
provides sub-children results.
Furthermore ps-tree is unmaintained.
Uuh, and a fancy CLI is also available!
var pidtree = require('pidtree')
// Get childs of current process
pidtree(process.pid, function (err, pids) {
// => []
// Include the given pid in the result array
pidtree(process.pid, {root: true}, function (err, pids) {
// => [727]
// Get all the processes of the System (-1 is a special value of this package)
pidtree(-1, function (err, pids) {
// => [530, 42, ..., 41241]
// Include PPID in the results
pidtree(1, {advanced: true}, function (err, pids) {
// => [{ppid: 1, pid: 530}, {ppid: 1, pid: 42}, ..., {ppid: 1, pid: 41241}]
// If no callback is given it returns a promise instead
const pids = await pidtree(1)
// => [141, 42, ..., 15242]
Linux | FreeBSD | NetBSD | SunOS | macOS | Win | AIX |
✅ | ❓ | ❓ | ❓ | ✅ | ✅ | ❓ |
✅ = Working ❓ = Not tested but should work
Please if your platform is not supported file an issue.
Show a tree of the processes inside your system inside your terminal.
npx pidtree $PPID
Just replace $PPID
with one of the pids inside your system.
Or don't pass anything if you want all the pids inside your system.
npx pidtree
To display the output as a list, similar to the one produced from pgrep -P $PID
pass the --list
npx pidtree --list
Get the list of children pids of the given pid.
Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Object>>
- Only when the callback is not provided.
Access: public
Param | Type | Default | Description |
pid | Number | String |
A pid. If -1 will return all the pids. | |
[options] | Object |
Optional options object. | |
[options.root] | Boolean |
false |
Include the provided pid in the list. Ignored if -1 is passed as pid. |
[callback] | function |
Called when the list is ready. If not provided a promise is returned instead. |
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the license file for details.