123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951 |
- import Vue from 'vue'
- <% if (fetch.client) { %>import fetch from 'unfetch'<% } %>
- <% if (features.middleware) { %>import middleware from './middleware.js'<% } %>
- import {
- <% if (features.asyncData) { %>applyAsyncData,
- promisify,<% } %>
- <% if (features.middleware) { %>middlewareSeries,<% } %>
- <% if (features.transitions || (features.middleware && features.layouts)) { %>sanitizeComponent,<% } %>
- resolveRouteComponents,
- getMatchedComponents,
- getMatchedComponentsInstances,
- flatMapComponents,
- setContext,
- <% if (features.transitions || features.asyncData || features.fetch) { %>getLocation,<% } %>
- compile,
- getQueryDiff,
- globalHandleError,
- isSamePath,
- urlJoin
- } from './utils.js'
- import { createApp<% if (features.layouts) { %>, NuxtError<% } %> } from './index.js'
- <% if (features.fetch) { %>import fetchMixin from './mixins/fetch.client'<% } %>
- import NuxtLink from './components/nuxt-link.<%= features.clientPrefetch ? "client" : "server" %>.js' // should be included after ./index.js
- <% if (isFullStatic) { %>import { installJsonp } from './jsonp'<% } %>
- <% if (isFullStatic) { %>installJsonp()<% } %>
- <% if (features.fetch) { %>
- // Fetch mixin
- if (!Vue.__nuxt__fetch__mixin__) {
- Vue.mixin(fetchMixin)
- Vue.__nuxt__fetch__mixin__ = true
- }
- <% } %>
- // Component: <NuxtLink>
- Vue.component(NuxtLink.name, NuxtLink)
- <% if (features.componentAliases) { %>Vue.component('NLink', NuxtLink)<% } %>
- <% if (fetch.client) { %>if (!global.fetch) { global.fetch = fetch }<% } %>
- // Global shared references
- let _lastPaths = []<%= isTest ? '// eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars' : '' %>
- let app
- let router
- <% if (store) { %>let store<%= isTest ? '// eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars' : '' %><% } %>
- // Try to rehydrate SSR data from window
- const NUXT = window.<%= globals.context %> || {}
- const $config = NUXT.config || {}
- if ($config._app) {
- __webpack_public_path__ = urlJoin($config._app.cdnURL, $config._app.assetsPath)
- }
- Object.assign(Vue.config, <%= serialize(vue.config) %>)<%= isTest ? '// eslint-disable-line' : '' %>
- <% if (nuxtOptions.render.ssrLog) { %>
- const logs = NUXT.logs || []
- if (logs.length > 0) {
- const ssrLogStyle = 'background: #2E495E;border-radius: 0.5em;color: white;font-weight: bold;padding: 2px 0.5em;'
- console.group && console.group<%= nuxtOptions.render.ssrLog === 'collapsed' ? 'Collapsed' : '' %> ('%cNuxt SSR', ssrLogStyle)
- logs.forEach(logObj => (console[logObj.type] || console.log)(...logObj.args))
- delete NUXT.logs
- console.groupEnd && console.groupEnd()
- }
- <% } %>
- <% if (debug) { %>
- // Setup global Vue error handler
- if (!Vue.config.$nuxt) {
- const defaultErrorHandler = Vue.config.errorHandler
- Vue.config.errorHandler = async (err, vm, info, ...rest) => {
- // Call other handler if exist
- let handled = null
- if (typeof defaultErrorHandler === 'function') {
- handled = defaultErrorHandler(err, vm, info, ...rest)
- }
- if (handled === true) {
- return handled
- }
- if (vm && vm.$root) {
- const nuxtApp = Object.keys(Vue.config.$nuxt)
- .find(nuxtInstance => vm.$root[nuxtInstance])
- // Show Nuxt Error Page
- if (nuxtApp && vm.$root[nuxtApp].error && info !== 'render function') {
- const currentApp = vm.$root[nuxtApp]
- <% if (features.layouts) { %>
- // Load error layout
- let layout = (NuxtError.options || NuxtError).layout
- if (typeof layout === 'function') {
- layout = layout(currentApp.context)
- }
- if (layout) {
- await currentApp.loadLayout(layout).catch(() => {})
- }
- currentApp.setLayout(layout)
- <% } %>
- currentApp.error(err)
- }
- }
- if (typeof defaultErrorHandler === 'function') {
- return handled
- }
- // Log to console
- if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
- console.error(err)
- } else {
- console.error(err.message || err)
- }
- }
- Vue.config.$nuxt = {}
- }
- Vue.config.$nuxt.<%= globals.nuxt %> = true
- <% } %>
- const errorHandler = Vue.config.errorHandler || console.error
- // Create and mount App
- createApp(null, NUXT.config).then(mountApp).catch(errorHandler)
- <% if (features.transitions) { %>
- function componentOption (component, key, ...args) {
- if (!component || !component.options || !component.options[key]) {
- return {}
- }
- const option = component.options[key]
- if (typeof option === 'function') {
- return option(...args)
- }
- return option
- }
- function mapTransitions (toComponents, to, from) {
- const componentTransitions = (component) => {
- const transition = componentOption(component, 'transition', to, from) || {}
- return (typeof transition === 'string' ? { name: transition } : transition)
- }
- const fromComponents = from ? getMatchedComponents(from) : []
- const maxDepth = Math.max(toComponents.length, fromComponents.length)
- const mergedTransitions = []
- for (let i=0; i<maxDepth; i++) {
- // Clone original objects to prevent overrides
- const toTransitions = Object.assign({}, componentTransitions(toComponents[i]))
- const transitions = Object.assign({}, componentTransitions(fromComponents[i]))
- // Combine transitions & prefer `leave` properties of "from" route
- Object.keys(toTransitions)
- .filter(key => typeof toTransitions[key] !== 'undefined' && !key.toLowerCase().includes('leave'))
- .forEach((key) => { transitions[key] = toTransitions[key] })
- mergedTransitions.push(transitions)
- }
- return mergedTransitions
- }
- <% } %>
- async function loadAsyncComponents (to, from, next) {
- // Check if route changed (this._routeChanged), only if the page is not an error (for validate())
- this._routeChanged = Boolean(app.nuxt.err) || from.name !== to.name
- this._paramChanged = !this._routeChanged && from.path !== to.path
- this._queryChanged = !this._paramChanged && from.fullPath !== to.fullPath
- this._diffQuery = (this._queryChanged ? getQueryDiff(to.query, from.query) : [])
- <% if (loading) { %>
- if ((this._routeChanged || this._paramChanged) && this.$loading.start && !this.$loading.manual) {
- this.$loading.start()
- }
- <% } %>
- try {
- if (this._queryChanged) {
- const Components = await resolveRouteComponents(
- to,
- (Component, instance) => ({ Component, instance })
- )
- // Add a marker on each component that it needs to refresh or not
- const startLoader = Components.some(({ Component, instance }) => {
- const watchQuery = Component.options.watchQuery
- if (watchQuery === true) {
- return true
- }
- if (Array.isArray(watchQuery)) {
- return watchQuery.some(key => this._diffQuery[key])
- }
- if (typeof watchQuery === 'function') {
- return watchQuery.apply(instance, [to.query, from.query])
- }
- return false
- })
- <% if (loading) { %>
- if (startLoader && this.$loading.start && !this.$loading.manual) {
- this.$loading.start()
- }
- <% } %>
- }
- // Call next()
- next()
- } catch (error) {
- const err = error || {}
- const statusCode = err.statusCode || err.status || (err.response && err.response.status) || 500
- const message = err.message || ''
- // Handle chunk loading errors
- // This may be due to a new deployment or a network problem
- if (/^Loading( CSS)? chunk (\d)+ failed\./.test(message)) {
- window.location.reload(true /* skip cache */)
- return // prevent error page blinking for user
- }
- this.error({ statusCode, message })
- this.<%= globals.nuxt %>.$emit('routeChanged', to, from, err)
- next()
- }
- }
- <% if (features.transitions || features.asyncData || features.fetch) { %>
- function applySSRData (Component, ssrData) {
- <% if (features.asyncData) { %>
- if (NUXT.serverRendered && ssrData) {
- applyAsyncData(Component, ssrData)
- }
- <% } %>
- Component._Ctor = Component
- return Component
- }
- // Get matched components
- function resolveComponents (route) {
- return flatMapComponents(route, async (Component, _, match, key, index) => {
- // If component is not resolved yet, resolve it
- if (typeof Component === 'function' && !Component.options) {
- Component = await Component()
- }
- // Sanitize it and save it
- const _Component = applySSRData(sanitizeComponent(Component), NUXT.data ? NUXT.data[index] : null)
- match.components[key] = _Component
- return _Component
- })
- }
- <% } %>
- <% if (features.middleware) { %>
- function callMiddleware (Components, context, layout) {
- let midd = <%= devalue(router.middleware) %><%= isTest ? '// eslint-disable-line' : '' %>
- let unknownMiddleware = false
- <% if (features.layouts) { %>
- // If layout is undefined, only call global middleware
- if (typeof layout !== 'undefined') {
- midd = [] // Exclude global middleware if layout defined (already called before)
- layout = sanitizeComponent(layout)
- if (layout.options.middleware) {
- midd = midd.concat(layout.options.middleware)
- }
- Components.forEach((Component) => {
- if (Component.options.middleware) {
- midd = midd.concat(Component.options.middleware)
- }
- })
- }
- <% } %>
- midd = midd.map((name) => {
- if (typeof name === 'function') {
- return name
- }
- if (typeof middleware[name] !== 'function') {
- unknownMiddleware = true
- this.error({ statusCode: 500, message: 'Unknown middleware ' + name })
- }
- return middleware[name]
- })
- if (unknownMiddleware) {
- return
- }
- return middlewareSeries(midd, context)
- }
- <% } else if (isDev) {
- // This is a placeholder function mainly so we dont have to
- // refactor the promise chain in addHotReload()
- %>
- function callMiddleware () {
- return Promise.resolve(true)
- }
- <% } %>
- async function render (to, from, next) {
- if (this._routeChanged === false && this._paramChanged === false && this._queryChanged === false) {
- return next()
- }
- // Handle first render on SPA mode
- let spaFallback = false
- if (to === from) {
- _lastPaths = []
- spaFallback = true
- } else {
- const fromMatches = []
- _lastPaths = getMatchedComponents(from, fromMatches).map((Component, i) => {
- return compile(from.matched[fromMatches[i]].path)(from.params)
- })
- }
- // nextCalled is true when redirected
- let nextCalled = false
- const _next = (path) => {
- <% if (loading) { %>
- if (from.path === path.path && this.$loading.finish) {
- this.$loading.finish()
- }
- <% } %>
- <% if (loading) { %>
- if (from.path !== path.path && this.$loading.pause) {
- this.$loading.pause()
- }
- <% } %>
- if (nextCalled) {
- return
- }
- nextCalled = true
- next(path)
- }
- // Update context
- await setContext(app, {
- route: to,
- from,
- next: _next.bind(this)
- })
- this._dateLastError = app.nuxt.dateErr
- this._hadError = Boolean(app.nuxt.err)
- // Get route's matched components
- const matches = []
- const Components = getMatchedComponents(to, matches)
- // If no Components matched, generate 404
- if (!Components.length) {
- <% if (features.middleware) { %>
- // Default layout
- await callMiddleware.call(this, Components, app.context)
- if (nextCalled) {
- return
- }
- <% } %>
- <% if (features.layouts) { %>
- // Load layout for error page
- const errorLayout = (NuxtError.options || NuxtError).layout
- const layout = await this.loadLayout(
- typeof errorLayout === 'function'
- ? errorLayout.call(NuxtError, app.context)
- : errorLayout
- )
- <% } %>
- <% if (features.middleware) { %>
- await callMiddleware.call(this, Components, app.context, layout)
- if (nextCalled) {
- return
- }
- <% } %>
- // Show error page
- app.context.error({ statusCode: 404, message: '<%= messages.error_404 %>' })
- return next()
- }
- <% if (features.asyncData || features.fetch) { %>
- // Update ._data and other properties if hot reloaded
- Components.forEach((Component) => {
- if (Component._Ctor && Component._Ctor.options) {
- <% if (features.asyncData) { %>Component.options.asyncData = Component._Ctor.options.asyncData<% } %>
- <% if (features.fetch) { %>Component.options.fetch = Component._Ctor.options.fetch<% } %>
- }
- })
- <% } %>
- <% if (features.transitions) { %>
- // Apply transitions
- this.setTransitions(mapTransitions(Components, to, from))
- <% } %>
- try {
- <% if (features.middleware) { %>
- // Call middleware
- await callMiddleware.call(this, Components, app.context)
- if (nextCalled) {
- return
- }
- if (app.context._errored) {
- return next()
- }
- <% } %>
- <% if (features.layouts) { %>
- // Set layout
- let layout = Components[0].options.layout
- if (typeof layout === 'function') {
- layout = layout(app.context)
- }
- layout = await this.loadLayout(layout)
- <% } %>
- <% if (features.middleware) { %>
- // Call middleware for layout
- await callMiddleware.call(this, Components, app.context, layout)
- if (nextCalled) {
- return
- }
- if (app.context._errored) {
- return next()
- }
- <% } %>
- <% if (features.validate) { %>
- // Call .validate()
- let isValid = true
- try {
- for (const Component of Components) {
- if (typeof Component.options.validate !== 'function') {
- continue
- }
- isValid = await Component.options.validate(app.context)
- if (!isValid) {
- break
- }
- }
- } catch (validationError) {
- // ...If .validate() threw an error
- this.error({
- statusCode: validationError.statusCode || '500',
- message: validationError.message
- })
- return next()
- }
- // ...If .validate() returned false
- if (!isValid) {
- this.error({ statusCode: 404, message: '<%= messages.error_404 %>' })
- return next()
- }
- <% } %>
- <% if (features.asyncData || features.fetch) { %>
- let instances
- // Call asyncData & fetch hooks on components matched by the route.
- await Promise.all(Components.map(async (Component, i) => {
- // Check if only children route changed
- Component._path = compile(to.matched[matches[i]].path)(to.params)
- Component._dataRefresh = false
- const childPathChanged = Component._path !== _lastPaths[i]
- // Refresh component (call asyncData & fetch) when:
- // Route path changed part includes current component
- // Or route param changed part includes current component and watchParam is not `false`
- // Or route query is changed and watchQuery returns `true`
- if (this._routeChanged && childPathChanged) {
- Component._dataRefresh = true
- } else if (this._paramChanged && childPathChanged) {
- const watchParam = Component.options.watchParam
- Component._dataRefresh = watchParam !== false
- } else if (this._queryChanged) {
- const watchQuery = Component.options.watchQuery
- if (watchQuery === true) {
- Component._dataRefresh = true
- } else if (Array.isArray(watchQuery)) {
- Component._dataRefresh = watchQuery.some(key => this._diffQuery[key])
- } else if (typeof watchQuery === 'function') {
- if (!instances) {
- instances = getMatchedComponentsInstances(to)
- }
- Component._dataRefresh = watchQuery.apply(instances[i], [to.query, from.query])
- }
- }
- if (!this._hadError && this._isMounted && !Component._dataRefresh) {
- return
- }
- const promises = []
- <% if (features.asyncData) { %>
- const hasAsyncData = (
- Component.options.asyncData &&
- typeof Component.options.asyncData === 'function'
- )
- <% } else { %>
- const hasAsyncData = false
- <% } %>
- <% if (features.fetch) { %>
- const hasFetch = Boolean(Component.options.fetch) && Component.options.fetch.length
- <% } else { %>
- const hasFetch = false
- <% } %>
- <% if (loading) { %>
- const loadingIncrease = (hasAsyncData && hasFetch) ? 30 : 45
- <% } %>
- <% if (features.asyncData) { %>
- // Call asyncData(context)
- if (hasAsyncData) {
- <% if (isFullStatic) { %>
- let promise
- if (this.isPreview || spaFallback) {
- promise = promisify(Component.options.asyncData, app.context)
- } else {
- promise = this.fetchPayload(to.path)
- .then(payload => payload.data[i])
- .catch(_err => promisify(Component.options.asyncData, app.context)) // Fallback
- }
- <% } else { %>
- const promise = promisify(Component.options.asyncData, app.context)
- <% } %>
- promise.then((asyncDataResult) => {
- applyAsyncData(Component, asyncDataResult)
- <% if (loading) { %>
- if (this.$loading.increase) {
- this.$loading.increase(loadingIncrease)
- }
- <% } %>
- })
- promises.push(promise)
- }
- <% } %>
- <% if (isFullStatic && store) { %>
- if (!this.isPreview && !spaFallback) {
- // Replay store mutations, catching to avoid error page on SPA fallback
- promises.push(this.fetchPayload(to.path).then(payload => {
- payload.mutations.forEach(m => { this.$store.commit(m[0], m[1]) })
- }).catch(err => null))
- }
- <% } %>
- // Check disabled page loading
- this.$loading.manual = Component.options.loading === false
- <% if (features.fetch) { %>
- <% if (isFullStatic) { %>
- if (!this.isPreview && !spaFallback) {
- // Catching the error here for letting the SPA fallback and normal fetch behaviour
- promises.push(this.fetchPayload(to.path).catch(err => null))
- }
- <% } %>
- // Call fetch(context)
- if (hasFetch) {
- let p = Component.options.fetch(app.context)
- if (!p || (!(p instanceof Promise) && (typeof p.then !== 'function'))) {
- p = Promise.resolve(p)
- }
- p.then((fetchResult) => {
- <% if (loading) { %>
- if (this.$loading.increase) {
- this.$loading.increase(loadingIncrease)
- }
- <% } %>
- })
- promises.push(p)
- }
- <% } %>
- return Promise.all(promises)
- }))
- <% } %>
- // If not redirected
- if (!nextCalled) {
- <% if (loading) { %>
- if (this.$loading.finish && !this.$loading.manual) {
- this.$loading.finish()
- }
- <% } %>
- next()
- }
- } catch (err) {
- const error = err || {}
- if (error.message === 'ERR_REDIRECT') {
- return this.<%= globals.nuxt %>.$emit('routeChanged', to, from, error)
- }
- _lastPaths = []
- globalHandleError(error)
- <% if (features.layouts) { %>
- // Load error layout
- let layout = (NuxtError.options || NuxtError).layout
- if (typeof layout === 'function') {
- layout = layout(app.context)
- }
- await this.loadLayout(layout)
- <% } %>
- this.error(error)
- this.<%= globals.nuxt %>.$emit('routeChanged', to, from, error)
- next()
- }
- }
- // Fix components format in matched, it's due to code-splitting of vue-router
- function normalizeComponents (to, ___) {
- flatMapComponents(to, (Component, _, match, key) => {
- if (typeof Component === 'object' && !Component.options) {
- // Updated via vue-router resolveAsyncComponents()
- Component = Vue.extend(Component)
- Component._Ctor = Component
- match.components[key] = Component
- }
- return Component
- })
- }
- <% if (features.layouts) { %>
- <% if (splitChunks.layouts) { %>async <% } %>function setLayoutForNextPage (to) {
- // Set layout
- let hasError = Boolean(this.$options.nuxt.err)
- if (this._hadError && this._dateLastError === this.$options.nuxt.dateErr) {
- hasError = false
- }
- let layout = hasError
- ? (NuxtError.options || NuxtError).layout
- : to.matched[0].components.default.options.layout
- if (typeof layout === 'function') {
- layout = layout(app.context)
- }
- <% if (splitChunks.layouts) { %>
- await this.loadLayout(layout)
- <% } %>
- this.setLayout(layout)
- }
- <% } %>
- function checkForErrors (app) {
- // Hide error component if no error
- if (app._hadError && app._dateLastError === app.$options.nuxt.dateErr) {
- app.error()
- }
- }
- // When navigating on a different route but the same component is used, Vue.js
- // Will not update the instance data, so we have to update $data ourselves
- function fixPrepatch (to, ___) {
- if (this._routeChanged === false && this._paramChanged === false && this._queryChanged === false) {
- return
- }
- const instances = getMatchedComponentsInstances(to)
- const Components = getMatchedComponents(to)
- let triggerScroll = <%= features.transitions ? 'false' : 'true' %>
- Vue.nextTick(() => {
- instances.forEach((instance, i) => {
- if (!instance || instance._isDestroyed) {
- return
- }
- if (
- instance.constructor._dataRefresh &&
- Components[i] === instance.constructor &&
- instance.$vnode.data.keepAlive !== true &&
- typeof instance.constructor.options.data === 'function'
- ) {
- const newData = instance.constructor.options.data.call(instance)
- for (const key in newData) {
- Vue.set(instance.$data, key, newData[key])
- }
- triggerScroll = true
- }
- })
- if (triggerScroll) {
- // Ensure to trigger scroll event after calling scrollBehavior
- window.<%= globals.nuxt %>.$nextTick(() => {
- window.<%= globals.nuxt %>.$emit('triggerScroll')
- })
- }
- checkForErrors(this)
- <% if (isDev) { %>
- // Hot reloading
- setTimeout(() => hotReloadAPI(this), 100)
- <% } %>
- })
- }
- function nuxtReady (_app) {
- window.<%= globals.readyCallback %>Cbs.forEach((cb) => {
- if (typeof cb === 'function') {
- cb(_app)
- }
- })
- // Special JSDOM
- if (typeof window.<%= globals.loadedCallback %> === 'function') {
- window.<%= globals.loadedCallback %>(_app)
- }
- // Add router hooks
- router.afterEach((to, from) => {
- // Wait for fixPrepatch + $data updates
- Vue.nextTick(() => _app.<%= globals.nuxt %>.$emit('routeChanged', to, from))
- })
- }
- <% if (isDev) { %>
- const noopData = () => { return {} }
- const noopFetch = () => {}
- // Special hot reload with asyncData(context)
- function getNuxtChildComponents ($parent, $components = []) {
- $parent.$children.forEach(($child) => {
- if ($child.$vnode && $child.$vnode.data.nuxtChild && !$components.find(c =>(c.$options.__file === $child.$options.__file))) {
- $components.push($child)
- }
- if ($child.$children && $child.$children.length) {
- getNuxtChildComponents($child, $components)
- }
- })
- return $components
- }
- function hotReloadAPI(_app) {
- if (!module.hot) return
- let $components = getNuxtChildComponents(_app.<%= globals.nuxt %>, [])
- $components.forEach(addHotReload.bind(_app))
- }
- function addHotReload ($component, depth) {
- if ($component.$vnode.data._hasHotReload) return
- $component.$vnode.data._hasHotReload = true
- var _forceUpdate = $component.$forceUpdate.bind($component.$parent)
- $component.$vnode.context.$forceUpdate = async () => {
- let Components = getMatchedComponents(router.currentRoute)
- let Component = Components[depth]
- if (!Component) {
- return _forceUpdate()
- }
- if (typeof Component === 'object' && !Component.options) {
- // Updated via vue-router resolveAsyncComponents()
- Component = Vue.extend(Component)
- Component._Ctor = Component
- }
- this.error()
- let promises = []
- const next = function (path) {
- <%= (loading ? 'this.$loading.finish && this.$loading.finish()' : '') %>
- router.push(path)
- }
- await setContext(app, {
- route: router.currentRoute,
- isHMR: true,
- next: next.bind(this)
- })
- const context = app.context
- <% if (loading) { %>
- if (this.$loading.start && !this.$loading.manual) {
- this.$loading.start()
- }
- <% } %>
- callMiddleware.call(this, Components, context)
- .then(() => {
- <% if (features.layouts) { %>
- // If layout changed
- if (depth !== 0) {
- return
- }
- let layout = Component.options.layout || 'default'
- if (typeof layout === 'function') {
- layout = layout(context)
- }
- if (this.layoutName === layout) {
- return
- }
- let promise = this.loadLayout(layout)
- promise.then(() => {
- this.setLayout(layout)
- Vue.nextTick(() => hotReloadAPI(this))
- })
- return promise
- <% } else { %>
- return
- <% } %>
- })
- <% if (features.layouts) { %>
- .then(() => {
- return callMiddleware.call(this, Components, context, this.layout)
- })
- <% } %>
- .then(() => {
- <% if (features.asyncData) { %>
- // Call asyncData(context)
- let pAsyncData = promisify(Component.options.asyncData || noopData, context)
- pAsyncData.then((asyncDataResult) => {
- applyAsyncData(Component, asyncDataResult)
- <%= (loading ? 'this.$loading.increase && this.$loading.increase(30)' : '') %>
- })
- promises.push(pAsyncData)
- <% } %>
- <% if (features.fetch) { %>
- // Call fetch()
- Component.options.fetch = Component.options.fetch || noopFetch
- let pFetch = Component.options.fetch.length && Component.options.fetch(context)
- if (!pFetch || (!(pFetch instanceof Promise) && (typeof pFetch.then !== 'function'))) { pFetch = Promise.resolve(pFetch) }
- <%= (loading ? 'pFetch.then(() => this.$loading.increase && this.$loading.increase(30))' : '') %>
- promises.push(pFetch)
- <% } %>
- return Promise.all(promises)
- })
- .then(() => {
- <%= (loading ? 'this.$loading.finish && this.$loading.finish()' : '') %>
- _forceUpdate()
- setTimeout(() => hotReloadAPI(this), 100)
- })
- }
- }
- <% } %>
- async function mountApp (__app) {
- // Set global variables
- app = __app.app
- router = __app.router
- <% if (store) { %>store = __app.store<% } %>
- // Create Vue instance
- const _app = new Vue(app)
- <% if (isFullStatic) { %>
- // Load page chunk
- if (!NUXT.data && NUXT.serverRendered) {
- try {
- const payload = await _app.fetchPayload(NUXT.routePath || _app.context.route.path)
- Object.assign(NUXT, payload)
- } catch (err) {}
- }
- <% } %>
- <% if (features.layouts && mode !== 'spa') { %>
- // Load layout
- const layout = NUXT.layout || 'default'
- await _app.loadLayout(layout)
- _app.setLayout(layout)
- <% } %>
- // Mounts Vue app to DOM element
- const mount = () => {
- _app.$mount('#<%= globals.id %>')
- // Add afterEach router hooks
- router.afterEach(normalizeComponents)
- <% if (features.layouts) { %>
- router.afterEach(setLayoutForNextPage.bind(_app))
- <% } %>
- router.afterEach(fixPrepatch.bind(_app))
- // Listen for first Vue update
- Vue.nextTick(() => {
- // Call window.{{globals.readyCallback}} callbacks
- nuxtReady(_app)
- <% if (isDev) { %>
- // Enable hot reloading
- hotReloadAPI(_app)
- <% } %>
- })
- }
- <% if (features.transitions) { %>
- // Resolve route components
- const Components = await Promise.all(resolveComponents(app.context.route))
- // Enable transitions
- _app.setTransitions = _app.$options.nuxt.setTransitions.bind(_app)
- if (Components.length) {
- _app.setTransitions(mapTransitions(Components, router.currentRoute))
- _lastPaths = router.currentRoute.matched.map(route => compile(route.path)(router.currentRoute.params))
- }
- <% } else if (features.asyncData || features.fetch) { %>
- await Promise.all(resolveComponents(app.context.route))
- <% } %>
- // Initialize error handler
- _app.$loading = {} // To avoid error while _app.$nuxt does not exist
- if (NUXT.error) {
- _app.error(NUXT.error)
- }
- // Add beforeEach router hooks
- router.beforeEach(loadAsyncComponents.bind(_app))
- router.beforeEach(render.bind(_app))
- // Fix in static: remove trailing slash to force hydration
- // Full static, if server-rendered: hydrate, to allow custom redirect to generated page
- <% if (isFullStatic) { %>
- if (NUXT.serverRendered) {
- return mount()
- }
- <% } else { %>
- // Fix in static: remove trailing slash to force hydration
- if (NUXT.serverRendered && isSamePath(NUXT.routePath, _app.context.route.path)) {
- return mount()
- }
- <% } %>
- // First render on client-side
- const clientFirstMount = () => {
- normalizeComponents(router.currentRoute, router.currentRoute)
- setLayoutForNextPage.call(_app, router.currentRoute)
- checkForErrors(_app)
- // Don't call fixPrepatch.call(_app, router.currentRoute, router.currentRoute) since it's first render
- mount()
- }
- // fix: force next tick to avoid having same timestamp when an error happen on spa fallback
- await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0))
- render.call(_app, router.currentRoute, router.currentRoute, (path) => {
- // If not redirected
- if (!path) {
- clientFirstMount()
- return
- }
- // Add a one-time afterEach hook to
- // mount the app wait for redirect and route gets resolved
- const unregisterHook = router.afterEach((to, from) => {
- unregisterHook()
- clientFirstMount()
- })
- // Push the path and let route to be resolved
- router.push(path, undefined, (err) => {
- if (err) {
- errorHandler(err)
- }
- })
- })
- }