All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
Replace debug process exit with unfrozen error in source transform (#293)0.7.0-beta.3
Monkey patch mini-css CssDependency to update its module's hash (#339)0.7.0-beta.2
Fix import context block chunk name support (#327), Add parity compilation cache check0.7.0-beta.1
Ensure file and context dependencies are absolute paths (#330), better json error messaging (#307), always chalk log to stderr0.7.0-beta.0
Update README0.7.0-alpha.4
Add chalk logging with shorter messages, iterate fix on data deleted from md5 cache (#330)0.7.0-alpha.3
Update file path naming standards, fix watchRun compiler misnover (#320)0.7.0-alpha.2
Fix Source freezing with typescript (#291) (@kristenmills)0.7.0-alpha.1
Remove deprecated recordsPath support, more narrow dependency transform generation, add cacache serializer and append-2 serializer as the new default.Separate different parts of the cache into subcaches.
Each Cache handles a set of singles to: reset their cache, read from an existing cache, verify the cache is correct, and write out changes to the cache.
The current 'data' serializer, append
, is being replaced by append-2
. This second version "appends" at the folder level instead of the file level. This make the source easier to understand and write and more likely to hold less bugs. It also happens to be faster than append
thanks to being easier to write, it's easier to write optimizations for.
Add MiniCssExtract support, add graceful failure when module does not freeze all dependencies0.6.6
Add local module support and fix webpack 4 json, wasm, and module build hash support0.6.5
Fix dynamic import (@faceyspacey, @matthewborden) (#300), fix .split issue (@toriningen) (#289), fix README typo (@Zakjholt, @koningskristof)0.6.4
Use general dependency -> block cycle test to avoid max call stack (#283)0.6.3
Add safety net to module dependency freezing0.6.2
Rebuild activeExports when thawing instead of serializing it0.6.1
Fix freezing sourceless modules (#270), fix freezing json and wasm parsers and generators (#276)0.6.0
Additional protection against source path being locked when copied0.6.0-alpha.8
Protect append serializer from rename and unlink errors on Windows0.6.0-alpha.7
Move babel dependencies to development0.6.0-alpha.6
Fix unneeded rebuilding performance regressions0.6.0-alpha.5
Naturally thaw NormalModule and ContextModule0.6.0-alpha.4
Add webpack 4 beta support0.6.0-alpha.3
Fix dependency thawing performance regression0.6.0-alpha.2
Fix missed preload path relation thawingRemove the need to depend on webpack record ids feature and to manually invalidate frozen modules due to module id or used harmony export changes.
From hard-source's beginning it froze dependencies as hybrid or abstract dependencies. Thawed they represented the other modules the a frozen module depended on. They made the frozen module's representation of the output brittle. A change in id, used harmony exports, and some other dependency elements meant the frozen module had to thrown away so a new webpack NormalModule could be built and its source rendered. Fixing this debt, the frozen module can re-render as how NormalModule does when a module id or used harmony exports changed.
This improves rebuild time when used exports of a harmony dependency change or webpack assigns a different id to a built module. As well this improves hard-source relability in relation to webpack as it removes the need for the special case logic in hard-source that would invalidates modules in these cases.
Thaw cached NormalModule and ContextModule data into webpack's NormalModule and ContextModule types.
With hybrid dependencies custom module types were needed to be able to use the hybrid dependencies and custom source type. The hybrid modules let webpack trace dependencies through them but left HardSource to pick a lot of work to make sure the custom modules were not returned from webpack hooks if they were out of date. In many cases with webpack 2 and later, to make this work they'd need an additional build in webpack so they the normal process of creating a module would replace a module HardSource returned incorrectly because it could not check that the module was out of date until a later stage in the build.
With this new thawing HardSource is making iterative webpack builds look internally in its data more like the first build that was cached.
Relate cached items to the cache directory and compiler contxt path. A relative cache is a portable cache. The cache built on one computer can be used on another system or in a cloned copy of the project with a different root directory on the same system.
Relate paths in the config hash to the cache directory as the config contains the context path that becomes the compiler context. Two versions of a config may only differ by the context path. Using a different context relative to the root of the project or the cacheDirectory will not be able to use the cached items in the matching config hash's build because the items when their paths are made absolute during the build will be not correct.
Relate frozen items to the compiler context. When thawed the items will have their paths made absolute again so their internal state matches their previous state where paths are absolute during webpack's runtime.
Make resolver request fields relative to the context if they are absolute paths. Most path fields in frozen items can be known ahead of time to be absolute paths. So making the paths relative and absolute while freezing and thawing is straight forward. The request part of resolutions is not straight forward. Sometimes the request path is relative, and sometimes it is absolute. An absolute path cannot be frozen so the absolute path must be made relative. But an original relative request must not be made absolute when thawed. To answer this, make only absolute paths relative and leave the request path as is when thawed. To use these thawed resolutions two checks may be made into the cache. First an unmodified lookup and second a modified lookup with the input made relative as if it was being frozen. This way enhanced-resolve cached items and NormalModule and ContextModule resolver items can be frozen and thawed reliably.
Log new values to byte positions instead of block positions. Removing the filler space in incomplete blocks, this decreases the space AppendSerializer uses and can have a small improvement to write and read performance.
Fix baseMap redundancy logic (#246), fix options passing for cheap-eval devtool (#241)0.5.15
Safety check that
is in cache before use (@abogaart)0.5.14
Improve AppendSerializer performance reading and writing0.5.13
Improve AppendSerializer performance on lots of writes0.5.12
Fix sourcesContext is undefined (@piecyk)0.5.11
Fix relative context module's identifier and id assignment0.5.10
Fix contextTimstamp typo and hash regression, fix bad compilerContext when logging freezing errors (#230)0.5.9
Fix context dependency validation (#182) and worker-loader cache prefix search (#201)0.5.8
Fix a large memory usage related to HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency (#205)0.5.6
Add module freeze error logging0.5.5
Fix contextStampm, return context object in synchronous branch0.5.4
Improve cache read and write performance related to promises, fix AppendSerializer compacting0.5.3
Improve AppendSerializer performance0.5.2
Fix nested AsyncDependenciesBlock origins for Stats supportThe first step to providing meaningful third party hard-source plugins for deeper integration with advanced webpack plugins, this version adds internally used plugins for freezing and thawing modules, etc. These plugins are accessible externally but are prefixed with --
to help indicate that you should avoid using them in the meantime. You are welcome to make plugins that use these hooks but the interface may change. Internal and external plugin interface changes will only occur during minor version releases before version 1.
As an important example of the utility of the plugin interface modules that are put into a ConcatenatedModule are now cached, helping decreasing build times using that plugin.
Deserialize objects from their caches before use (@ettavolt)0.4.14
Publish index.js and lib, omitting tests0.4.13
Add AppendSerializer0.4.12
Fix harmony module export * from ... (@filipesilva)0.4.11
Fix ContextDependency non-regexp use and fix child compiler cache prefix search0.4.10
Bump webpack version to help with nested dependency issues (@rowan)0.4.9
Fetch loader options for rule based options in webpack > 20.4.8
Fix error in loader rule optimization use during watch mode0.4.7
Support webpack 3's loader rules optimization0.4.6
Support direct use of SourceMapDevToolPlugin0.4.5
Add webpack 3 support. Add initial ModuleConcatenationPlugin support0.4.4
Fix configHash default value0.4.3
Fix #105. Cache assets in memory as well as disk0.4.2
Tune default options0.4.1
Add Appveyor CIPrior versions of hard-source cache resolution values the NormalModuleFactory creates and a similar data for the ContextModuleFactory. These higher level resolutions provide a lot of hard-sources performance gain by reusing those values when resolving modules as long as an assumption holds. The file or context the resolution points at must still exist. The low level resolution cache takes this further caching the work resolving files, loaders, and contexts. These cached resolutions can be reused between multiple module resolutions as they may share files or loaders. Two modules with the same file but different loaders go through separate NormalModuleFactory resolutions meaning they hit the lower level resolvers. This new cache provides some performance gains in regards to the reused values.
Highly related to the low level resolution cache is the missing resolution attempt check that can be made. When the low level resolvers try to find the resource for a request it can optionally build an array of missing paths that it tried. Caching that information hard-source now provides a stronger assurance that what should have been built is. Seeing any of those missing attempts now existing means the old resolution is invalid and any related NormalModuleFactory resolution is also invalid. During the new build, hard-source will let the normal resolutions occur and store the new information.
Leading up to changing the default cache serializer (#53), hard-source has its first plugin hook to make it more flexible. The 'hard-source-cache-factory'
plugin hook on the webpack compiler lets a users determine how the cache is write to and read from disk. Documentation on this is in the lib/cache-serializer-factory.js
With this hook a working additional serializer and plugin is available to replace the leveldb default serializer with a json serializer. This serializer is primarily available for debugging the contents of the cache as they're directly human readable.
To use this plugin you can add it to your config
plugins: [
// other plugins
new HardSourceWebpackPlugin.HardSourceJsonSerializerPlugin(),
As a step to #53 a patch version with a replacement to the leveldb will come out during v0.4.x
that will become the default in v0.5.0
Up until this version the NormalModuleFactory resolutions were using some old code to write and read its cache. That has been replaced with a cache serializer like the other caches. This has little effect on reading but provides a small performance gain when writing changes to the cache from the build. The cache serializers are able to write out changes instead of needing to write out the whole cache. This may a small measurable impact on large project where they were writing out the whole module resolution cache.
A second plugin hook in this release, 'hard-source-log'
presents a way to control the logging output from hard-source. Two obvious uses is a plugin to silence its output or another to write the output to disk. Documentation on this plugin hook can be found in lib/logger-factory.js
With a plugin approach to logging, more logging of lower levels (debug, log) will be added that a plugin will optionally enable for writting out. This additional logging will cover when and why modules are invalidated, timing and other information to help debug hard-source.
Past versions required at least the cacheDirectory
and recordsPath
options, along with recommending the configHash
option. This release sets defaults for these making hard-source easier to use.
defaults to 'node_modules/.cache/hard-source/[confighash]'
defaults to 'node_modules/.cache/hard-source/[confighash]/records.json'
defaults to require('node-object-hash')({sort: false}).hash
The env-hash
implementation is more generalized than the npm env-hash implementation that was previously used. That one focused on hashing modified time values of folders and files to be as fast as possible. This new one is a little slower hashing files and files of folders but supports use cases like reusing a cache from a prior build on a CI environment. While the CI environment would have all new modified times, if the files' content didn't change the hash of those files will be the same letting the old cache be used.
Context dependencies and ContextModules are now supported. This information is stored in the cache and deserialized like file dependencies and NormalModules. This will allow projects with ContextModules and NormalModules with context dependencies to gain the caching benefit they were previously missing.
Webpack's memory cache allows webpack to make assumptions about previously built modules and skip build steps it would otherwise perform on those modules. That cache is now filled with up to date modules from the HardSource cache letting builds with webpack or the first build with a webpack server to gain the performance those assumptions support.
Support change to error rendering in webpack 20.3.12
Support different resolutions in different child compilations0.3.11
Support optional dependencies0.3.10
Fix webpack typo'd dependency (HarmonyCompatiblilityDependency)0.3.9
Support webpack.IgnorePlugin0.3.8
Support webpack 2.2.0 stable release0.3.7
Support webpack 2.2.0-rc.4 (by @swernerx)0.3.6
Allow webpack 2 rc versions in package peer dependencies0.3.5
Support out of order harmony import specifiers0.3.4
Support webpack 2.2.0-rc.00.3.3
Support webpack 2.1.0-beta.280.3.1
Fix false positive invalidation against modules like Delegated and ExternalBuilds and stores checksums of files built by webpack to better determine when to rebuild modules. This helps HardSource rebuild less in CI environments.
Code contributed by:
Fix resolve cache invalidation, use resource instead of userRequest0.2.6
Don't log version mismatch message on first build without a cache0.2.5
Stamp cache with library version and fix serializing loc
Fix out of date harmony module tree shaking keys0.2.3
Fix context depending modules rebuild check0.2.2
Flatten dependency loc data for HarmonyImportSpecifier0.2.1
Support functions as option to environmentHashHardSource grew through its 0.0.X
versions up to this point. It currently supports:
Consider AMDDefineDependencies as a HardNullDependency like ConstDependency0.1.3
Fix normal module resolver plugin that didn't pass on resolve errors0.1.2
Ignore ExtractText root modules so that child compilers always run and output assets0.0.44
Prefix module cache identifier by child compiler subcache name0.0.43
Flatten dependency loc
field (HMR fix for 0.0.41)0.0.42
Support out of order harmony module export specifier dependencies0.0.41
Freeze and thaw module warnings and errors (by @Strate)0.0.40
Support latest webpack 2 beta (2.1.0-beta.25)0.0.38
Add configHash
Add a little logic to avoid re-serializing already serialized modules0.0.36
Freeze and thaw some common fields that weren't before0.0.35
Use additional pass in compilation instead of pre-emptive pass. Fixes use with HMR0.0.34
Correctly thaw harmony specifier dependencies0.0.33
Add HardModule.libIdent to support DllPlugin0.0.32
Fix webpack 2 dependency warnings0.0.30
Fix asset thawing and unnecessary dependency invalidation0.0.28
Help ensure cacheDirectory is used as users expect0.0.27
Use pre-emptive compile when supporting isUsed (webpack 2)0.0.26
Invalidate modules based on webpack 2 tree shaking0.0.23
Fix to error in resolve invalidation0.0.19
Store separate non-devtool related base map for Uglify support0.0.18
Invalidate modules depending on a now invalid resolve value0.0.17
Support webpack-isomorphic-tools0.0.16
Incomplete resolve invalidation0.0.15
Invalidate whole cache when environment (node_modules, etc) change0.0.13
Freeze and thaw module's _source
used by Stats0.0.11
Store modules in a leveldb store0.0.10
Store assets separate for performance0.0.9
Support ExtractText and Uglify0.0.8
relative cacheDirectory
Support Harmony modules by disabling tree shaking0.0.5
First ReadME, travis badge, cacheDirectory change0.0.4
Add source map tests, improve source map thawing0.0.3
Add tests