123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590 |
- 'use strict';
- Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
- value: true
- });
- exports.stringify =
- exports.printWithType =
- exports.printReceived =
- exports.printExpected =
- exports.printDiffOrStringify =
- exports.pluralize =
- exports.matcherHint =
- exports.matcherErrorMessage =
- exports.highlightTrailingWhitespace =
- exports.getLabelPrinter =
- exports.ensureNumbers =
- exports.ensureNoExpected =
- exports.ensureExpectedIsNumber =
- exports.ensureExpectedIsNonNegativeInteger =
- exports.ensureActualIsNumber =
- exports.diff =
- exports.RECEIVED_COLOR =
- exports.INVERTED_COLOR =
- exports.EXPECTED_COLOR =
- exports.DIM_COLOR =
- exports.BOLD_WEIGHT =
- void 0;
- var _chalk = _interopRequireDefault(require('chalk'));
- var _jestDiff = require('jest-diff');
- var _jestGetType = require('jest-get-type');
- var _prettyFormat = require('pretty-format');
- var _Replaceable = _interopRequireDefault(require('./Replaceable'));
- var _deepCyclicCopyReplaceable = _interopRequireDefault(
- require('./deepCyclicCopyReplaceable')
- );
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
- return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj};
- }
- const {
- AsymmetricMatcher,
- DOMCollection,
- DOMElement,
- Immutable,
- ReactElement,
- ReactTestComponent
- } = _prettyFormat.plugins;
- const PLUGINS = [
- ReactTestComponent,
- ReactElement,
- DOMElement,
- DOMCollection,
- Immutable,
- AsymmetricMatcher
- ];
- const EXPECTED_COLOR = _chalk.default.green;
- const RECEIVED_COLOR = _chalk.default.red;
- const INVERTED_COLOR = _chalk.default.inverse;
- const BOLD_WEIGHT = _chalk.default.bold;
- const DIM_COLOR = _chalk.default.dim;
- exports.DIM_COLOR = DIM_COLOR;
- const MULTILINE_REGEXP = /\n/;
- const SPACE_SYMBOL = '\u{00B7}';
- const NUMBERS = [
- 'zero',
- 'one',
- 'two',
- 'three',
- 'four',
- 'five',
- 'six',
- 'seven',
- 'eight',
- 'nine',
- 'ten',
- 'eleven',
- 'twelve',
- 'thirteen'
- ];
- const SUGGEST_TO_CONTAIN_EQUAL = _chalk.default.dim(
- 'Looks like you wanted to test for object/array equality with the stricter `toContain` matcher. You probably need to use `toContainEqual` instead.'
- );
- const stringify = (object, maxDepth = 10) => {
- const MAX_LENGTH = 10000;
- let result;
- try {
- result = (0, _prettyFormat.format)(object, {
- maxDepth,
- min: true,
- plugins: PLUGINS
- });
- } catch {
- result = (0, _prettyFormat.format)(object, {
- callToJSON: false,
- maxDepth,
- min: true,
- plugins: PLUGINS
- });
- }
- return result.length >= MAX_LENGTH && maxDepth > 1
- ? stringify(object, Math.floor(maxDepth / 2))
- : result;
- };
- exports.stringify = stringify;
- const highlightTrailingWhitespace = text =>
- text.replace(/\s+$/gm, _chalk.default.inverse('$&'));
- exports.highlightTrailingWhitespace = highlightTrailingWhitespace;
- const replaceTrailingSpaces = text =>
- text.replace(/\s+$/gm, spaces => SPACE_SYMBOL.repeat(spaces.length));
- const printReceived = object =>
- RECEIVED_COLOR(replaceTrailingSpaces(stringify(object)));
- exports.printReceived = printReceived;
- const printExpected = value =>
- EXPECTED_COLOR(replaceTrailingSpaces(stringify(value)));
- exports.printExpected = printExpected;
- const printWithType = (
- name,
- value,
- print
- ) => {
- const type = (0, _jestGetType.getType)(value);
- const hasType =
- type !== 'null' && type !== 'undefined'
- ? `${name} has type: ${type}\n`
- : '';
- const hasValue = `${name} has value: ${print(value)}`;
- return hasType + hasValue;
- };
- exports.printWithType = printWithType;
- const ensureNoExpected = (expected, matcherName, options) => {
- if (typeof expected !== 'undefined') {
- const matcherString = (options ? '' : '[.not]') + matcherName;
- throw new Error(
- matcherErrorMessage(
- matcherHint(matcherString, undefined, '', options),
- 'this matcher must not have an expected argument',
- printWithType('Expected', expected, printExpected)
- )
- );
- }
- };
- exports.ensureNoExpected = ensureNoExpected;
- const ensureActualIsNumber = (actual, matcherName, options) => {
- if (typeof actual !== 'number' && typeof actual !== 'bigint') {
- const matcherString = (options ? '' : '[.not]') + matcherName;
- throw new Error(
- matcherErrorMessage(
- matcherHint(matcherString, undefined, undefined, options),
- `${RECEIVED_COLOR('received')} value must be a number or bigint`,
- printWithType('Received', actual, printReceived)
- )
- );
- }
- };
- exports.ensureActualIsNumber = ensureActualIsNumber;
- const ensureExpectedIsNumber = (expected, matcherName, options) => {
- if (typeof expected !== 'number' && typeof expected !== 'bigint') {
- const matcherString = (options ? '' : '[.not]') + matcherName;
- throw new Error(
- matcherErrorMessage(
- matcherHint(matcherString, undefined, undefined, options),
- `${EXPECTED_COLOR('expected')} value must be a number or bigint`,
- printWithType('Expected', expected, printExpected)
- )
- );
- }
- };
- exports.ensureExpectedIsNumber = ensureExpectedIsNumber;
- const ensureNumbers = (actual, expected, matcherName, options) => {
- ensureActualIsNumber(actual, matcherName, options);
- ensureExpectedIsNumber(expected, matcherName, options);
- };
- exports.ensureNumbers = ensureNumbers;
- const ensureExpectedIsNonNegativeInteger = (expected, matcherName, options) => {
- if (
- typeof expected !== 'number' ||
- !Number.isSafeInteger(expected) ||
- expected < 0
- ) {
- const matcherString = (options ? '' : '[.not]') + matcherName;
- throw new Error(
- matcherErrorMessage(
- matcherHint(matcherString, undefined, undefined, options),
- `${EXPECTED_COLOR('expected')} value must be a non-negative integer`,
- printWithType('Expected', expected, printExpected)
- )
- );
- }
- };
- exports.ensureExpectedIsNonNegativeInteger = ensureExpectedIsNonNegativeInteger;
- const getCommonAndChangedSubstrings = (diffs, op, hasCommonDiff) =>
- diffs.reduce(
- (reduced, diff) =>
- reduced +
- (diff[0] === _jestDiff.DIFF_EQUAL
- ? diff[1]
- : diff[0] !== op
- ? ''
- : hasCommonDiff
- ? INVERTED_COLOR(diff[1])
- : diff[1]),
- ''
- );
- const isLineDiffable = (expected, received) => {
- const expectedType = (0, _jestGetType.getType)(expected);
- const receivedType = (0, _jestGetType.getType)(received);
- if (expectedType !== receivedType) {
- return false;
- }
- if ((0, _jestGetType.isPrimitive)(expected)) {
- return (
- typeof expected === 'string' &&
- typeof received === 'string' &&
- expected.length !== 0 &&
- received.length !== 0 &&
- (MULTILINE_REGEXP.test(expected) || MULTILINE_REGEXP.test(received))
- );
- }
- if (
- expectedType === 'date' ||
- expectedType === 'function' ||
- expectedType === 'regexp'
- ) {
- return false;
- }
- if (expected instanceof Error && received instanceof Error) {
- return false;
- }
- if (
- receivedType === 'object' &&
- typeof received.asymmetricMatch === 'function'
- ) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- };
- const MAX_DIFF_STRING_LENGTH = 20000;
- const printDiffOrStringify = (
- expected,
- received,
- expectedLabel,
- receivedLabel,
- expand
- ) => {
- if (
- typeof expected === 'string' &&
- typeof received === 'string' &&
- expected.length !== 0 &&
- received.length !== 0 &&
- expected.length <= MAX_DIFF_STRING_LENGTH &&
- received.length <= MAX_DIFF_STRING_LENGTH &&
- expected !== received
- ) {
- if (expected.includes('\n') || received.includes('\n')) {
- return (0, _jestDiff.diffStringsUnified)(expected, received, {
- aAnnotation: expectedLabel,
- bAnnotation: receivedLabel,
- changeLineTrailingSpaceColor: _chalk.default.bgYellow,
- commonLineTrailingSpaceColor: _chalk.default.bgYellow,
- emptyFirstOrLastLinePlaceholder: '↵',
- expand,
- includeChangeCounts: true
- });
- }
- const diffs = (0, _jestDiff.diffStringsRaw)(expected, received, true);
- const hasCommonDiff = diffs.some(diff => diff[0] === _jestDiff.DIFF_EQUAL);
- const printLabel = getLabelPrinter(expectedLabel, receivedLabel);
- const expectedLine =
- printLabel(expectedLabel) +
- printExpected(
- getCommonAndChangedSubstrings(
- diffs,
- _jestDiff.DIFF_DELETE,
- hasCommonDiff
- )
- );
- const receivedLine =
- printLabel(receivedLabel) +
- printReceived(
- getCommonAndChangedSubstrings(
- diffs,
- _jestDiff.DIFF_INSERT,
- hasCommonDiff
- )
- );
- return expectedLine + '\n' + receivedLine;
- }
- if (isLineDiffable(expected, received)) {
- const {replacedExpected, replacedReceived} =
- replaceMatchedToAsymmetricMatcher(
- (0, _deepCyclicCopyReplaceable.default)(expected),
- (0, _deepCyclicCopyReplaceable.default)(received),
- [],
- []
- );
- const difference = (0, _jestDiff.diff)(replacedExpected, replacedReceived, {
- aAnnotation: expectedLabel,
- bAnnotation: receivedLabel,
- expand,
- includeChangeCounts: true
- });
- if (
- typeof difference === 'string' &&
- difference.includes('- ' + expectedLabel) &&
- difference.includes('+ ' + receivedLabel)
- ) {
- return difference;
- }
- }
- const printLabel = getLabelPrinter(expectedLabel, receivedLabel);
- const expectedLine = printLabel(expectedLabel) + printExpected(expected);
- const receivedLine =
- printLabel(receivedLabel) +
- (stringify(expected) === stringify(received)
- ? 'serializes to the same string'
- : printReceived(received));
- return expectedLine + '\n' + receivedLine;
- };
- exports.printDiffOrStringify = printDiffOrStringify;
- const shouldPrintDiff = (actual, expected) => {
- if (typeof actual === 'number' && typeof expected === 'number') {
- return false;
- }
- if (typeof actual === 'bigint' && typeof expected === 'bigint') {
- return false;
- }
- if (typeof actual === 'boolean' && typeof expected === 'boolean') {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- };
- function replaceMatchedToAsymmetricMatcher(
- replacedExpected,
- replacedReceived,
- expectedCycles,
- receivedCycles
- ) {
- if (!_Replaceable.default.isReplaceable(replacedExpected, replacedReceived)) {
- return {
- replacedExpected,
- replacedReceived
- };
- }
- if (
- expectedCycles.includes(replacedExpected) ||
- receivedCycles.includes(replacedReceived)
- ) {
- return {
- replacedExpected,
- replacedReceived
- };
- }
- expectedCycles.push(replacedExpected);
- receivedCycles.push(replacedReceived);
- const expectedReplaceable = new _Replaceable.default(replacedExpected);
- const receivedReplaceable = new _Replaceable.default(replacedReceived);
- expectedReplaceable.forEach((expectedValue, key) => {
- const receivedValue = receivedReplaceable.get(key);
- if (isAsymmetricMatcher(expectedValue)) {
- if (expectedValue.asymmetricMatch(receivedValue)) {
- receivedReplaceable.set(key, expectedValue);
- }
- } else if (isAsymmetricMatcher(receivedValue)) {
- if (receivedValue.asymmetricMatch(expectedValue)) {
- expectedReplaceable.set(key, receivedValue);
- }
- } else if (
- _Replaceable.default.isReplaceable(expectedValue, receivedValue)
- ) {
- const replaced = replaceMatchedToAsymmetricMatcher(
- expectedValue,
- receivedValue,
- expectedCycles,
- receivedCycles
- );
- expectedReplaceable.set(key, replaced.replacedExpected);
- receivedReplaceable.set(key, replaced.replacedReceived);
- }
- });
- return {
- replacedExpected: expectedReplaceable.object,
- replacedReceived: receivedReplaceable.object
- };
- }
- function isAsymmetricMatcher(data) {
- const type = (0, _jestGetType.getType)(data);
- return type === 'object' && typeof data.asymmetricMatch === 'function';
- }
- const diff = (a, b, options) =>
- shouldPrintDiff(a, b) ? (0, _jestDiff.diff)(a, b, options) : null;
- exports.diff = diff;
- const pluralize = (word, count) =>
- (NUMBERS[count] || count) + ' ' + word + (count === 1 ? '' : 's');
- exports.pluralize = pluralize;
- const getLabelPrinter = (...strings) => {
- const maxLength = strings.reduce(
- (max, string) => (string.length > max ? string.length : max),
- 0
- );
- return string => `${string}: ${' '.repeat(maxLength - string.length)}`;
- };
- exports.getLabelPrinter = getLabelPrinter;
- const matcherErrorMessage = (
- hint,
- generic,
- specific
- ) =>
- `${hint}\n\n${_chalk.default.bold('Matcher error')}: ${generic}${
- typeof specific === 'string' ? '\n\n' + specific : ''
- }`;
- exports.matcherErrorMessage = matcherErrorMessage;
- const matcherHint = (
- matcherName,
- received = 'received',
- expected = 'expected',
- options = {}
- ) => {
- const {
- comment = '',
- expectedColor = EXPECTED_COLOR,
- isDirectExpectCall = false,
- isNot = false,
- promise = '',
- receivedColor = RECEIVED_COLOR,
- secondArgument = '',
- secondArgumentColor = EXPECTED_COLOR
- } = options;
- let hint = '';
- let dimString = 'expect';
- if (!isDirectExpectCall && received !== '') {
- hint += DIM_COLOR(dimString + '(') + receivedColor(received);
- dimString = ')';
- }
- if (promise !== '') {
- hint += DIM_COLOR(dimString + '.') + promise;
- dimString = '';
- }
- if (isNot) {
- hint += DIM_COLOR(dimString + '.') + 'not';
- dimString = '';
- }
- if (matcherName.includes('.')) {
- dimString += matcherName;
- } else {
- hint += DIM_COLOR(dimString + '.') + matcherName;
- dimString = '';
- }
- if (expected === '') {
- dimString += '()';
- } else {
- hint += DIM_COLOR(dimString + '(') + expectedColor(expected);
- if (secondArgument) {
- hint += DIM_COLOR(', ') + secondArgumentColor(secondArgument);
- }
- dimString = ')';
- }
- if (comment !== '') {
- dimString += ' // ' + comment;
- }
- if (dimString !== '') {
- hint += DIM_COLOR(dimString);
- }
- return hint;
- };
- exports.matcherHint = matcherHint;