All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- also set ssrAppId for first Vue app when ssrAttribute exists (4cb5724)
- also set ssrAppId for first Vue app when ssrAttribute exists (#563) (4664df2)
- auto install plugin in browser (32fdb20)
- improve ssr detection when 1st metaInfo component isnt root (a41b9a7)
- support falsy values in eg body attributes (fix: #535) (1ef4108)
- memory leak, use hook events (thanks #522) (21621e1)
- support once (with skip) client side (fix #498) (c74c645)
- accept and pass options as second arg for generate (2ce5177)
- still traverse children when metainfo doesnt return object (#469) (35b7099)
- try to detect global mixins adding meta info (#467) (2231ec1)
- use computed prop (which uses caching) instead of calling the fn directly (c344d60)
- add option waitOnDestroyed (f745059)
- add options debounceWait (d43b77c)
- add possibility to add additional meta info (0ab76ee)
- add support for setting attributes from multiple apps (d9b0ab2)
- enable setting refreshOnceOnNavigation during runtime (9d14387)
- workaround for memoryleak in destroyed hook (ec7b1fb)
- types: add "content" property to MetaPropertyEquiv and remove "name" (#436) (4384f44)
- support generating tags directly from metaInfo object (cb2758e)
- also use ssrAppId for client update (50c0509)
- don't generate